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Stephane Lebrun
10 August 2014 08:53:09
Must be "...des 3. + [Name]." which means "of the 3rd [name]" ; the point after a number is the mark of ordinal numbers in German !
07 August 2014 14:59:02
Der abstand der inneren Augenrander entspricht etwa der 4fachen Breite des 3!
07 August 2014 14:56:17
Thanks for you help, its the last line for the moment. I will add it completely
05 August 2014 17:05:59
Thank you, Paul !
Paul Beuk
05 August 2014 10:36:36
@Theo: Thanks for the warning. It should be okay now.
Fred Fly
05 August 2014 09:22:36
4faden should be 4fachen! > frons four times as broad as "3?"
..might be... third antennal segment
05 August 2014 06:52:59
Hi Paul
the notification mail in case of PM is not working at the moment.Could you have a look at it ?
thanks theo
Stephane Lebrun
04 August 2014 16:31:18
metathorakalstigmas = metathoracic (posterior) spiracle ; gefiedert = plumose ; Stirn = frons ; 4faden... : I don't understand (Breite = Width)
01 August 2014 14:48:41
gefiedert- plumose? as in > than the width of the arista, stirn - face or frons? 4faden Breite des 3?
01 August 2014 14:45:11
Thx for help, a few > to get to point 8 dictionary helpful for some words but x meaning, added a few >
Collette J Mulkeen
31 July 2014 16:11:19
Anyone heading to the ICD8 in Postdam next month? looking forward to meeting some of you there
31 July 2014 14:24:19
Thanks again Stephane
Stephane Lebrun
29 July 2014 10:00:40
Borste = seta, bristle ; Börstchen = setula, small bristle ; Fühlerborste = "antenna-bristle" = arista ; Fühlerglied = antennal segment.
28 July 2014 15:54:58
a couple more
is Börstchen an old word for bristle? also Fühlerborste + Fühlergliedes
28 July 2014 14:41:22
Thanks very much Stephane
Stephane Lebrun
26 July 2014 14:17:37
gelbgrau bestäubt = yellow-gray dusted.
25 July 2014 11:36:41
Can anyone help out with a translation please? dict gelbgrau bestäubt
Paul Beuk
27 June 2014 13:05:42
Sometimes search bots cause heavy traffic, on occasion the site is being swapped by server requests, probably hackers trying to find an entry point to hack the server.
26 June 2014 18:19:56
the site gets annoying slow. Something wrong ?
10 June 2014 17:23:02