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Paul Beuk
14 November 2014 11:00:28
graben -> to dig. First request was for Grabdomen which is 'burial dome', LoL.
Tony Irwin
14 November 2014 10:36:51
The literal translation of Grabdornen is grave (Grab ) thorns (Dornen). I think the best English translation is "spines".
13 November 2014 16:42:17
Legrohr am Ende (cerci) mit kraftigen , nach oben gerichteten Grabdornen
Paul Beuk
13 November 2014 15:46:59
Send me the complete sentence, plz. I have no pdf or printed version of Hennig on the Muscidae.
13 November 2014 15:24:28
Its from the Hennig 1964 key Female 77(78), its to do with the ovipositor there is a figure can I just use spines or is there another word?
Paul Beuk
12 November 2014 09:07:01
10 November 2014 15:18:27
Can anyone help pout with the Muscidae translation for grabdomen, Thx
03 November 2014 16:04:56
Thx Stephane, for all your help, much appreciated
02 November 2014 15:55:37
As I can publish photographs in Diptera.Info?
Stephane Lebrun
01 November 2014 11:10:36
Calypters white, with only a weak yellow trace (maybe not my best translation, sorry).
30 October 2014 16:56:08
Hi can so help out with a translation Schüppchen = scales but there must be another translation from Schüppchen weiß, mit nur geringen gelblichem Anflug...quadrum
28 October 2014 21:20:04
Hi, my Attachment is not displayed (Size below 200 KB, No spaces...). EDIT: Now I realized: Pictures are NOT shown in the "Preview-Modus". With "Save" it's OK...
20 October 2014 14:50:57
Thx Paul
Paul Beuk
17 October 2014 10:04:51
Sounds like a posteroventral apical seta.
16 October 2014 15:06:07
Can any1 help with an abbrev pls? is pv ap = preapical pv seta, thx
12 October 2014 11:42:50
I just tried to join ResearchGate, but apparently you need an institute email to be let in - by scientists for scientists pah - armchair bureaucrats.
24 September 2014 00:18:21
Also I would like a PDF of a key to the families of flies suitable for Chinese material - if anybody can help.
24 September 2014 00:16:57
Is there anybody here working on flies from China?
19 September 2014 01:28:02
Thanks to those who have responded to my request for beautiful, or ecologically interesting flies in the forum.
Paul Beuk
18 September 2014 14:54:07
Have another try...