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05 June 2014 10:40:40
third of the posterior side - this is my translation !
Is this OK
05 June 2014 10:40:02
Both the male and female have the typical Phaonia bristle on the apical
05 June 2014 10:38:44
3. van de achterkant van de achterscheen
05 June 2014 10:38:22
2. typerende borstel op eenderde van de top aan de buitenzijde
05 June 2014 10:37:42
1. Zowel het mannetje als het vrouwtje hebben de voor Phaonia soorten
05 June 2014 10:35:26
Thanx- looks like it didn't all add I'll try again
02 June 2014 12:02:18
Both the male and the female have the for Phaonia characteristic bristle on one-third from the apex [of what ?? some tibia I guess] on the posterio-dorsal side
02 June 2014 10:25:41
Hoping someone can help with translating- Zowel het mannetje als het vrouwtje hebben de voor Phaonia soorten typerende borstel (bristle) op eenderde van de top aan de buitenzijde van de achterkant v
26 May 2014 18:27:56
May be it is easier to count and anotate the covered/total species by family albums...
22 May 2014 14:28:32
Thanks very much Paul
Paul Beuk
20 May 2014 13:45:50
@oceanlis2000: The adults are mostly found near wounds and rot holes in diseased broad-leafed trees.
Paul Beuk
20 May 2014 13:42:58
If someone wants to do the maths, they are welcome!
19 May 2014 19:02:37
Good idea, Ramon!
19 May 2014 18:16:11
Would it be possible to add at the wellcome page the total amount of species in europe and the total species covered at the moment at the gallery?
19 May 2014 11:09:53
OK as a translation? De adulten worden voor het merendeel aangetroffen bij wonden en holtes in door ziekte aangetaste breedbladige boomsoorten The adults are mostly found at the wounds and holts of di
Juergen Peters
13 May 2014 22:17:21
Posting seems to work again for me.
Juergen Peters
13 May 2014 21:09:08
since yesterday I cannot post anything. Always "No new threads allowed at present". This happens also on replies, not only new postings!
But I see new forum postings and replies, so
12 May 2014 09:58:20
Thank you
11 May 2014 08:21:21
09 May 2014 15:06:00
Help required
Is Halschild = pronotum