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Paul Beuk
25 September 2006 07:59:04
Glossary bug in page navigation when viewing terms selected by first letter is fixed.
24 September 2006 00:33:11
seems spain/portugal were long ago very near from turkey, many common species here and there (my first Volucella
19 September 2006 22:25:18
n. 400!!! wow! it was quick! Give to Gerris a fly that he must choose.
Paul Beuk
19 September 2006 22:03:35
Welcome, Gerris, member no. 400!
19 September 2006 11:04:15
Turkey seems nice. Then we'll soon see a lot more excellent photos of small flies
Paul Beuk
19 September 2006 06:08:45
Can we plz keep it in English so we can all understand it?
19 September 2006 00:26:38
18 September 2006 21:44:28
54;j4;h0;k1; ii4;h5;
Nikita l0; Dima!
54;j4;h0;k1; ii4;h5;
Nikita l0; Dima!
18 September 2006 21:41:07
At night always above 12?C.
18 September 2006 21:40:28
Here we have about 25?C! very pleasant! sorry, North dipterists.
Dmitry Gavryushin
18 September 2006 20:14:48
Nikita Vikhrev
18 September 2006 17:12:57
Kahis: Black has no pain to share - next Monday he and me will fly Turkey!
Paul Beuk
18 September 2006 15:20:08
Hmm, I have mostly been sleeping without any covers since last Friday.
18 September 2006 14:58:44
Black: A share your pain: -0.5C on fri-sat night
17 September 2006 13:31:56
I saw "Deadly Maria" (1993) yesterday. There's a fly collector for you
Dmitry Gavryushin
16 September 2006 06:42:10
A woeful remark: zero degrees this night at my location
15 September 2006 14:14:45
I wonder how many flies (or other insects) you have in your collections ...
Paul Beuk
12 September 2006 19:43:34
@conopid: The quotes almost all come from the internet, googling.
Paul Beuk
12 September 2006 19:43:00
Glad to be back. And a decent community manages itself. @jorge: sometimes the MySQL server is slow and then the site loads slowly, too.
Nikita Vikhrev
12 September 2006 19:36:26
Paul, do you know what is good menedgment? It is, if Diptera works OK even in Cheif absence.