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03 November 2006 14:37:53
do you know internetpage:
diptera/index.h tm
diptera/index.h tm
Dmitry Gavryushin
03 November 2006 08:31:04
Lucky you
02 November 2006 19:16:12
just in mountain around.
you must visit us!
02 November 2006 19:14:23
Syrphidae and so many. It is true that my pants were plenty of flies! And lots of them in flash.
now the weather turns a little more cold, perhaps 10?C. I wish to see snow. Never snow here. Ju
02 November 2006 19:12:36
here yesterday in some hours, more in this last weekend, temperatures reach almost 30 ?C i SAW thousands of flies: Sepsidae, Drosophilidae, Muscidae, Sarcophagidae, Callophoridae, Stratiomyidae, Sy
Dmitry Gavryushin
02 November 2006 15:08:23
Gone - miss'em somehow (unlike women of my tribe)
02 November 2006 14:34:30
or waht about the drosophilids in the kitchen above the fruit bowl?
Dmitry Gavryushin
02 November 2006 13:40:50
Zero degrees, snow floats in water, but still some Ephydridae hear the river
02 November 2006 13:19:34
no more flies? I guess you can see flies on all days of the year
Dmitry Gavryushin
02 November 2006 12:08:56
On Oct.31, FC Spartak Moscow players had to use the subway and so (they say) Inter won
02 November 2006 08:25:14
No more flies. Almost 7 minus now. Chaos in traffic yesterday ...
01 November 2006 11:54:58
Minus 1 degrees Celsius and snow this morning
Paul Beuk
31 October 2006 22:13:53
31 October 2006 20:35:09
lol Paul Beuk I misleading all I mean say : "x days". not "x months".
Paul Beuk
31 October 2006 20:25:58
Well, in that case: x = 12/30 = 0.4 Welcome back to you, too.
31 October 2006 17:42:34
i?m back too.
Paul Beuk
31 October 2006 08:06:24
Hehe, afraid that the lions would get something to gnaw on?
Jan Willem
30 October 2006 22:22:54
Thanks Paul. I didn't see many flies (with the exception of tsetse flies) in Kenia and Tanzania. But we haven't been out of the truck many times.
Paul Beuk
30 October 2006 08:55:06
Welcome back, Jan Willem!
Dmitry Gavryushin
29 October 2006 11:04:07
Weather was warm until recently, +10 at night - saw blooming wild strawberries yesterday