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Tony Irwin
05 October 2006 19:45:12
Welcome home Nikita and Dima. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us!
05 October 2006 14:44:59
Interesting site - - with alot of photos etc!
04 October 2006 14:40:55
LordV of the flies ... ehh, or wasps
01 October 2006 12:22:36
mayallbehappy: Please ask in the forum. There are more space to answer ...
01 October 2006 10:54:19
Question: I know of a family called Quaedfly. Is it a real fly? And were flies common knowledge around napoleon's time?
Paul Beuk
28 September 2006 20:14:35
All ı's have been changed into i's
27 September 2006 21:24:34
yes... your "i" doesn?t appear. good hunting, Nikita and Dima! when you (both) arrive in Moscow, upload the hundreds of photos here.
27 September 2006 21:21:49
Good luck hunting in Turkey!
Tony Irwin
27 September 2006 20:50:34
Have a great time Dima and Nikita - keep posting the pictures!
Paul Beuk
27 September 2006 19:53:19
Enjoy! BTW: I just sent you an email today but I can say it here as well: Thanks a million!
Nikita Vikhrev
27 September 2006 19:26:01
Fınally we are ın Turkey. Best wıshes to everybody.
Nıkıta, Dıma (=Black)
27 September 2006 13:40:22
not so much difference! Signals of global warming. Perhaps a normal cycle . the man is not guilty.
Paul Beuk
27 September 2006 09:03:46
Weather statistics started in 1706.
27 September 2006 07:44:03
300 years! We have weather statistics from about 1750 I think, but you beat us there then. Wow
Paul Beuk
27 September 2006 06:34:24
For 300 years here in NL...
26 September 2006 21:41:32
thank you crex. not so good photos...
26 September 2006 20:04:28
Warmest september in Sweden for 100 years ...
25 September 2006 12:43:09
Jorge I see u are improving ur photographic skills
Paul Beuk
25 September 2006 10:37:45
Nah..., just some common sense.
25 September 2006 09:29:35
Paul = 1337 h4Xx0r