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Paul Beuk
25 October 2006 21:50:05
It is in the gallery.
Nikita Vikhrev
25 October 2006 20:30:47
Have you got Dasyphora albofasciata 2-3 days ago?
Paul Beuk
25 October 2006 20:09:22
Nikita, please re-submit Eudasyphora cyanicolor, female
19 October 2006 22:09:36
You got my wrong of course I will research collection of insects in CanaColl. Very reach materials from all over world are kept there. Thanks my dear colleagues!
19 October 2006 15:46:56
bye, I will back in x months... good discussions in your great!!!!
19 October 2006 14:26:22
loool!!!! ok. ok.
But I thought in dead specimens (trade!)... not alive!!! of course!!!
19 October 2006 13:03:57
Jorge: Read again what Kahis wrote
19 October 2006 12:44:03
can you explain why never could be Empididis in NZ?
Lucky proctoss!!! try to send me spiders specimens. ))
Paul Beuk
19 October 2006 11:17:27
As if I did not know.
19 October 2006 10:38:03
Paul: I think it is unlikely he'll collect any NZ empidids in Canada
Paul Beuk
19 October 2006 07:34:38
@proctoss: bring me some nice empidoids, pretty pretty please? Then I can finally work with my New Zealand Empididae book by Collin.
18 October 2006 22:31:10
GL & HF! Keep us posted!
18 October 2006 21:48:20
Bye all! I am going for 1 month to Ottawa (Canada). I will research the fauna of New Zeland, Chili, etc.!
Paul Beuk
11 October 2006 08:58:18
Quite premature.
Dmitry Gavryushin
11 October 2006 08:04:02
Oh, then purging all my boxes was a bit premature ...
Paul Beuk
10 October 2006 18:19:27
@black: Inbox is full error is aimed at addressee's inbox...
10 October 2006 15:27:44
Max 600 px width is good. I hate to scroll
Dmitry Gavryushin
10 October 2006 14:57:11
Something's wrong w/PM engine? Unable 2 send - 'Inbox is full' message although I deleted all...
07 October 2006 09:40:03
Dmitry Gavryushin
06 October 2006 13:07:07
2 Tony Irwin: Teşekk?r ederim (thank you), it was a very educative trip indeed