Of course you have noticed I have switched back to the earlier used green theme. The Dipteran Blue appeared to be loved or hated. The main complaint was that the blue theme was tiring on the eyes. For members who prefer the Dipteran Blue, they can change it in their profile but you will be stuck with the green-coloured banner.
Another added feature for the members, you may have noticed, is the possibility to create personal favourites for the site and store them. They will be available at every visit when you logon. The panel is at the bottom left. Go to the particular page, fill in the name you want to give to the link and click the button. Easy as that.
10,000 visits!
The 10,000th unique visit coincides with an upgrade of PHP-Fusion from version 4.01 to 5. The average visitor will hardly hardly notice the upgrade, unless there are some unsolved issues. If you find any errors, please send them to me and I will see whether it is because I installed it incompletely or that the system shows some quircky behaviour. You can use the Contact Me link (everyone) or the Private Message system (Members only).
View the extended news (Read More) to see the recorded errors, causes and what is being done to solve them.
International Code for Zoological Nomenclature on-line
Finally, it is available on the web. For those of use who like to know why species names have to change (at least some of them) and why some of the proposed changes are invalid: check out the International Code for Zoological Nomenclature. You can find the link in Web Links -> Resources section.
A keep checking the other sections as well. New web links are added regularly!
Downloads section
Keep looking at the Downloads section as well. I will be regularly adding links to downloads. Mainly pdf's of publications but I will keep an eye out for other intersting things as well. Any suggestions can be sent to the webmaster.
First download available
The first document is listed for download. It is a pdf version of the ICZN publication of Opinion 2088 (Case 3221) where the use of the genus name Opomyza is conserved by designating a neotype for the type species of the genu. The International Commision on Zoological Nomenclature recommends a wide distribution of reprints of the paper, so here it is for all of you. Tell everyone about it!
Some flies preserved in ethanol and then pinned often get the eyes sunken, how can this be avoided? Best answer: I usually keep alcohol-collected material in alcohol
Tried to attach an image to a forum post. jpg, 32kB, 72dpi, no blanks, ... File name is correctly displayed, but when I click "Preview Thread" it just vanishes. Help!