The Content Management System has been updated to v6.00.204. As a result, some of the features that were present earlier are still not present. I will include them as soon as possible.
There are several new themes available, most of the with their own logo. The easiest way to try them out is to log out and use the Theme Switcher that is available for guests. Using the Theme Switcher you can switch themes on the fly without having to edit your profile. When you have found the one you like, you can log in again and set it in your profile.
Updated to v6.00.205: 1 November 2005
Updated to v6.00.206: 14 November 2005
Updated to v6.00.207: 29 November 2005
Updated to v6.00.300: 16 December 2005
Quotes panel
You must have noticed the quotes panel that appeared. It is here just to put some extra juice into the site. Send me a PM if you have another quote or if you think it is out off place on this site.
20,000 Unique visits announces an imminent CMS upgrade
You have done it! We have passed the 20,000 unique visits mark in less than a year. So, there must be a niche for this website! One reason is that the site is popular and is also mentioned on several other websites. As a result, we feature on the first page of google with just 'diptera' as search term.
This is also the time to inform you that the upgrade of the CMS from v5.00 to v5.01 is imminent. That is, it will follow sometime in the next two weeks. The chances are that you will hardly notice, but I thought to warn you none the less. After the upgrade I will try again if the newsletter system is compliant with the host set-up, so you may expect that something will drop in your mailbox (at least, if you are a member and have subscribed). Another upcoming change will be that the Private Message System will get a make-over and it should be possible to save outgoing messages, too. In the longer run there will also be an update of the Diptera Gallery.
Oh yes, I am still working on the hosting thing. I have not forgotten, because especially the Gallery should benefit from that.
Keep up the good work, you all!
About the hosting
The members will notice that the poll has disappeared. I think enough people have cast their vote for me to reach a decision. You will notice in due course what it is, as I have to check other arrangements that may have to be made if we switch host.
About the two themes
Some of you members were disappointed that I had removed the Dipteran Blue theme. Through Edit Profile it was possible to get the theme back but then you got stuck with the green site banner. That has now been solved. Choose the Dipteran Blue theme and you get the blue banner as well!
Some flies preserved in ethanol and then pinned often get the eyes sunken, how can this be avoided? Best answer: I usually keep alcohol-collected material in alcohol
Tried to attach an image to a forum post. jpg, 32kB, 72dpi, no blanks, ... File name is correctly displayed, but when I click "Preview Thread" it just vanishes. Help!