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26 July 2006 09:03:58
About PayPal. Have never tried it ... and I'm not very good a dutch either
26 July 2006 09:00:42
It works better now ... it was slow as syrup for about 5 min.
Paul Beuk
26 July 2006 08:54:30
Usually that happens when the MySQL server experiences a high load. Sorry about that. Now, if donations would allow for a dedicated server...
26 July 2006 08:28:29 is really slow at the moment ...
Paul Beuk
26 July 2006 07:11:00
Like I said, think something server-side: Didn't do a thing.
26 July 2006 06:58:21
and just cured itself
26 July 2006 06:57:28
Hi Paul- was ok yesterday but doing it again this morning 26/07/06
Paul Beuk
26 July 2006 06:26:30
It appears on and off. Probably something that is server-side, because I did not change anything.
26 July 2006 05:44:53
I got it this morning
Paul Beuk
24 July 2006 08:32:25
LordV: Still get the error?
23 July 2006 23:27:27
Back from vacation with ~ 1400 pix ... Beware
22 July 2006 18:56:50
Got error 12 from table handlerGot error 12 from table handler errors when tryiny to open a forum
Paul Beuk
20 July 2006 10:35:42
NP, photo added.
Dmitry Gavryushin
20 July 2006 09:58:37
Sorry Paul, I'll fix it
Paul Beuk
20 July 2006 08:19:57
jorge: if you submit a picture, it will be created.
Paul Beuk
20 July 2006 08:19:34
Black: Your first submitted Asteia was a picture of the bubble blowing Hydrellia...
20 July 2006 00:34:17
Perhaps we must create a new family in gallery: Vermileonidae.
Paul Beuk
06 July 2006 08:48:06
All separate threads on lema's fly2 have been joined in a single thread.
Dmitry Gavryushin
06 July 2006 07:51:50
Sorry, my fault, will upload the 2nd picture
Paul Beuk
05 July 2006 13:39:11
Black, the two pictures of Stegana furta were the same...