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22 August 2006 11:16:49
It's great to see so many new members posting photos but would help if people choose better Subject titles (not just numbers) and maybe fill in some of their profile - with their locations etc
22 August 2006 06:20:47
Hi narax06, hope to see pictures of your malaysian flies
21 August 2006 22:53:13
I?m thinking when the forum will reach the number 500 (members)... or 1000... how can we help so many requests then? It seems people like a lot of flies.
Paul Beuk
21 August 2006 19:07:51
@crex: Nothing is rejected so far, maybe just not added yet.
21 August 2006 16:06:19
robirdman, in 'private messages' click 'inbox' (if not already there) and then on the subject to see the message.
20 August 2006 20:29:57
Otherwise we don't know if the photos got through to you.
20 August 2006 20:29:12
Paul, if you reject gallery photos, please let the submitter know.
Robert Heemskerk
20 August 2006 18:39:53
YES!, I like flies...
20 August 2006 14:25:32
Any thoughts on my grey fly?
Jan Zwaaneveld
19 August 2006 18:15:00
19 August 2006 11:24:33
VERY GOOD photos of US flies. They are so strange! Flat flies... big eyes...
19 August 2006 08:39:08
Refreshing to see US photos on the forum. Hope this can attract US diptera experts also
Tony Irwin
18 August 2006 19:48:29
Nikita - your syrphid 2 is pictureless!
18 August 2006 16:21:16
Looks like it's Phasia season, judging by the forum postings. I found Phasia barbifrons, pusilla and obesa in a sand quarry on 14 August. Great little flies!
Paul Beuk
18 August 2006 11:44:22
Yeah, well, that will fade as long as Nikita keeps posting pictures. But the pictures are more important, otherwise I will have little reason to post anyway.
18 August 2006 08:20:57
Ok, you are impressive too Paul
Paul Beuk
17 August 2006 20:14:36
Well, that is what you get when you have to post every picture in a new message, LoL Nikita's just ahead of me.
17 August 2006 11:03:45
1700 posts! Impressive Nikita
Paul Beuk
14 August 2006 18:53:06
And thanks for the praise, but you all should thank yourself. I only provide the platform.
Paul Beuk
14 August 2006 18:52:31
Hmm, the image displays without problem, Nemoraea pellucida. If any problems, use the Report Error link in Navigation.