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24 November 2015 18:36:47
Thanks Dmitry, I'll try this.
Dmitry Gavryushin
23 November 2015 11:52:49
Try to contact associate editors and/or members, 10th Editorial Board of Acta Entomologica Sinica, occupied at Dept. of Entom. of CAU, e.g. GAO Xi-Wu; LI Zheng-Xi; SHEN J
13 November 2015 21:50:44
Dear Friends. Could someone provide me a contact in the Insect Colletions of the China Agriculture University ? Regards.
Dmitry Gavryushin
29 September 2015 08:12:46
For Idiohelina, 3 Malloch's papers, Exotic Muscaridae III, XV, and XXXV
Paul Beuk
22 September 2015 10:34:58
Species with mouth parts that appear to be 'similar', like Sargus, do feed on honeydew. I have never seen Hermetia in nature...
18 September 2015 16:42:07
Thanks Paul, some sites report that it don't have functional mouth part, other sites say it feed nectar, some publications say it "probably" feed nectar and it's a pollinator.
Paul Beuk
18 September 2015 10:57:02
Sounds like it might be. Do sites that 'say not' state that they do feed or don't they mention anything?
14 September 2015 19:42:04
Question: is it true that the Hermetia illucens don't have functional mouth part? Some sites say yes and some other say not. It's a bit confused. Thanks
30 August 2015 15:23:35
looks like it! Grrrr.
Jan Willem
29 August 2015 14:14:09
Fauna Europaea unavailable again!?
28 August 2015 21:58:38
I'm searching a Muscidae pdf for the New Zealand fauna (Idiohelina genus), I hope someone can help me with a link, thanks in advance!
23 August 2015 18:58:37
Thanks Paul, I'll do it
Paul Beuk
21 August 2015 13:52:25
Send a PM to Gunnar.
21 August 2015 07:30:31
Hello, if somebody is interested to ID a Phlebotomus sp. by the specimen send me a PM please
Tony Irwin
05 August 2015 21:44:27
Yes, prescutellar acrostichals
05 August 2015 13:49:29
Prescutellars in Drosophilidae - is that prescutellar achrosticals?
Stephane Lebrun
21 July 2015 22:23:50
Yes, thank you Paul ! URL uptaded in my bookmark.
Paul Beuk
21 July 2015 00:55:17
Stephane Lebrun
20 July 2015 11:11:03
What's the problem with Fauna Europaea ( ?
16 July 2015 10:18:07
Does anyone know what the current name for Peletieria nigricornis is, a tachinid? Thx