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Paul Beuk
21 November 2016 10:36:03
FYI: The name can also refer to the Dipteran family Clusiidae, named after the genus Heteroneura (= Clusiodes).
19 November 2016 11:17:38
Thanks John that's looks good
John Carr
18 November 2016 23:29:54
Hétéroneurides may be Heteroneura (Lepidoptera exclusive of a few primitive leaf miners).
18 November 2016 13:26:37
Can any1 ;pls help with English family for this Fr word
Than you
Paul Beuk
28 October 2016 19:10:30
Accoring to the Dutch Wikipedia page he used other people's collections and someone else was the artist...
Dmitry Gavryushin
28 October 2016 11:48:59
Caspar Stoll - non-Diptera? (incl. butterflies, De Uitlandsche Kapellen) - the Netherlands I think
28 October 2016 11:47:09
Thanks Paul
26 October 2016 15:54:59
Dear friends, I'd like to know where the collections of the entomologist Caspar Stoll are housed. Any ideia? ll
Paul Beuk
25 October 2016 08:39:55
24 October 2016 14:57:17
I am really struggling with the word Digne, pls can so help, it comes up 3 times!
1 male Digne
Terra typica: Digne
Digne: Holotypus holotype
19 October 2016 14:45:03
18 October 2016 23:38:23
vergleiche (vgl) is most like compare, so confer (cf.) is best in Latin. I am from Germany.
17 September 2016 11:02:22
Thanks very much Dmitry
Dmitry Gavryushin
16 September 2016 11:37:31
vgl. = cf. (compare)
16 September 2016 10:30:59
Hello Can anyone tell me what the German abbrev. vgl stands for, dictionary says mg/l which isn't the case
06 September 2016 21:49:14
Here in Britain it has been a very poor season for all insects. Most families of fly have been very scarce compared to some years ago. This is about the fifth poor season and it was the worst yet. Wha
05 September 2016 21:35:41
May was very atypical and April. April was very cold - the coldest month in 30 years. And May was very rainy. But this does not explain itself why the decrease of insects. Or it is just a normal cyc
05 September 2016 21:32:12
well I collect in those places since 2005, and it is perfectly clear there were several families I did not see this year, or even the rather common Tachinidae, for the current year I only saw dozens.
Gerrit Oehm
05 September 2016 15:51:00
Well it should be compared to the insect diversity and numbers of that region for the last years/decades...
01 September 2016 22:39:16
This year in Portugal there was a very clear decrease/waning number and diversity in all insect orders. Fewer tachinids than usual, for example. Fennel flowers are very scarce of insects these days.