Photo Albums > Culicidae > Culex cf. pipiens (female) (1) | << | >> |
Many species of the genus Culex with its subgenera, are distributed worldwide, mainly in warmer regions. These mosquitoes, small or medium-sized, mainly live in permanent water bodies in urban and rural areas. Some species transmit filariasis and viral encephalitis.
Last update: 07.10.13 12:22
Added by: Maherjos
Dimensions: 1200 x 1196 pixels
Filesize: 144.54Kb
Comments: 0
Rating: None
Number of views: 3562
Last update: 07.10.13 12:22
Added by: Maherjos
Dimensions: 1200 x 1196 pixels
Filesize: 144.54Kb
Comments: 0
Rating: None
Number of views: 3562