Photo Albums > Calliphoridae > Chrysomya varipes (male) (2) | << | >> |
IDN, Papua, Timika, collected on rotten shrimps.
Small species, body length 5-6 mm; eyes dichoptic; f1 with a row of whitish setulae on dorsal surface; mid tarsus modified: tar2-1 elongated and yellow, tar2-2 to tar2-5 shortened and black; wing with dark spot near apex of R4+5.
Last update: 21.02.18 09:42
Added by: Nikita Vikhrev
Dimensions: 815 x 693 pixels
Filesize: 134.39Kb
Comments: 0
Rating: None
Number of views: 1574
Small species, body length 5-6 mm; eyes dichoptic; f1 with a row of whitish setulae on dorsal surface; mid tarsus modified: tar2-1 elongated and yellow, tar2-2 to tar2-5 shortened and black; wing with dark spot near apex of R4+5.
Last update: 21.02.18 09:42
Added by: Nikita Vikhrev
Dimensions: 815 x 693 pixels
Filesize: 134.39Kb
Comments: 0
Rating: None
Number of views: 1574