Photo Albums > Dolichopodidae (inc. former Microphoridae) > Epithalassius corsicanus (male) (1) | << | >> |
Epithalassius corsicanus Becker, 1910 (F 1918): Dtsch.ent.Z. 1910 (6): 648 ** LT & 14PLT [Institut f?r systematische Zoologie, Museum f?r Naturkunde, Humboldt Universit?t, Berlin], 1PLT [Voronezh Univ.] (des. Negrobov & Selivanova, 2006: International Journal Dipterologocal Research 17(2): 104). Type locality: France: Bastia, Corsica. Palaearctic: France, Israel; Afrotropical: St. Helena *
Last update: 03.04.08 21:44
Added by: Igor Grichanov
Dimensions: 529 x 624 pixels
Filesize: 13.48Kb
Comment: 1
Rating: None
Number of views: 2851
Last update: 03.04.08 21:44
Added by: Igor Grichanov
Dimensions: 529 x 624 pixels
Filesize: 13.48Kb
Comment: 1
Rating: None
Number of views: 2851
Diagnosis of the species is published here:
Grichanov I.Ya. 2008. Systematics of the genus Epithalassius Mik, 1891 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological Bull. 4(1): 137-139.