Photo Albums > Platypezidae > Agathomyia falleni (male) (3) | << | >> |
This specimen was attracted to a mercury lamp 2:15 AM in a mature deciduous forest 14m asl in SE Norway 14th September 2014. The general impression pale abdomen with brown bands, brown knobs on the halteres and enlarged tibia and first tarsomere of the hind leg in addition to the setas of the first tarsomere of mid leg and tibia I-II.
Last update: 18.09.17 09:50
Added by: Jorn R Gustad
Dimensions: 1000 x 602 pixels
Filesize: 261.05Kb
Comments: 0
Rating: None
Number of views: 2523
Last update: 18.09.17 09:50
Added by: Jorn R Gustad
Dimensions: 1000 x 602 pixels
Filesize: 261.05Kb
Comments: 0
Rating: None
Number of views: 2523