Photo Albums > Limoniidae > Erioconopa trivialis (pupa) (1) | << | >> |
Together with the larva of this species, this peculiar Limoniidae pupa was found, so an assumption has been made that this was the pupa of E. trivialis. This pupa was found (together with the larvae) on the Isle of Flakkee, near Kranendonk, Achthuizen, the Netherlands on 22.iv.2008 in a eutrophic wide ditch filled with artificially planted aquatic weeds.
Last update: 12.05.10 11:37
Added by: atylotus
Dimensions: 640 x 416 pixels
Filesize: 19.09Kb
Comments: 0
Rating: None
Number of views: 3125
Last update: 12.05.10 11:37
Added by: atylotus
Dimensions: 640 x 416 pixels
Filesize: 19.09Kb
Comments: 0
Rating: None
Number of views: 3125