At the International Congress of Dipterology in San José, Costa Rica I just heared that Paul Freeman, former Keeper of Entomology at the British Museum (Natural History) died a few days ago. Besides a lot of work on Chironomidae het worked on several other groups of Nematocera. Many of the NW European dipterists will be most acquainted with 'Freeman and Lane', the Handbook for the Identification of British Insects on Bibionida and Scatopsidae.
4th International Simuliidae Symposium: Important reminder
Dear All,
We would like to kindly remind you that registration forms for the 4th International Simuliidae Symposium (12-15 Oct. 2010) are still online at
In order not to have a problem with the hotel and to decide to number of student participants to support, we need to reach a critical number of reservations before September. Abstract submissions should not necessarily be done with registrations and can be done later. If you fill the registration form and send us, we will book your room at the hotel. Please note that payments will be done later, too; but making only the reservations in August is crucial.
Kind regards,
Kahraman Ipekdal
Thyreophora cynophila is found after 160 years not to be extinct
We have managed to find a fly, Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer, 1794) (Diptera: Piophilidae: Thyreophorini) in La Rioja mountains (Spain). This Dipteron was thought to be extinct for 160 years, but a photograph returned it to the life. Available article and video in
simuliid2010 web page is online
Dear All,
Web page of the 4th International Simuliidae Symposium wtih the address given below is online now. It is time to fill the registration forms and send them back to us; only after that we will be able to start to make hotel reservations.
We are pleased to welcome you to the 18th International Symposium on Chironomidae, July 4-6 2011 in Trondheim, Norway. A webpage with the first information and possibility for preregistration is now on-line:
The page will be regularly updated, so please return for news and more information later.