All links to Gallery items that were previously placed in the Navigation panel are now listed in a separate, collapsable Gallery Links panel immediately below the Navigation panel. A newly linked item in this panel is a page to browse images of larvae (sorted by family). Another linked item that some may have missed is a page with all the pictures you submitted to the Gallery and that were published (members only).
A link for quick access to the Diptera Gallery has now been added to the subheader navigation bar.
New article
A new article by cyprinoid (on the behaviour of Hercostomus germanus [Dolichopodidae]) was added today.
Dipteron 25
Dear Diptera lovers and entomologists!
I would like to inform you that the online pdf version of volume 25 of Dipteron (Wroclaw) (online pdf version) is now available!
Andrzej J. Woznica
(Dipteron-Wroclaw -Editor in Chief)
Chironomus Newsletter 22
From the Chironomidae mailing list: Dear colleagues,
This year's Chironomus Newsletter is now available for download from the journal website:
Sorry, for the delay in bringing the pdf out on the web!
Best wishes,
Dr. Torbjørn Ekrem
Turkish checklist published
Today I received an email announcing the publication of CesaNews 51. To my delight I found out it is largely composed of a list of the Turkish Diptera. I recommend that everyone has a look at it and perhaps even contribute information to expand the list. The present number of 1720 species must be a small fraction of what really occurs in that huge country. The link to the the CesaNews issue can be found in the downloads section.