8th International Conress of Dipterology, Potsdam, 10-15 August 2014
Registration of Interest
The 8th International Congress of Dipterology will be held at Potsdam near Berlin, Germany on 10-15 August 2014. The organizing committee consists of Marion Kotrba, Netta Dorchin, Frank Menzel and Joachim Ziegler.
You can fill in a form stating your interest to attend. The form can be downloaded here: http://www.icd8.info.
Contents: - Kocak,A.O. & M.Kemal, 2012. Description of Hirmoneura kunchuy sp.n. from East Turkey (Nemestrinidae, Diptera) / A generic nomenclatural correction among micro-kaddisflies in the Orientalic Region / On the nomenclature of some generic names in the family Flatidae (Homoptera).
Please use the following address, in order to access to recently published numbers of the Serial. http://www.cesa-tr.org/Miscpap.htm [pdf connections are partly under preparation]
The passing of another dipterist: Kaupo Elberg (20 Nov 1934 – 30 Aug 2012)
A sad message that reached me though the Sciomyzid Workers network:
Dear Sciomyzidae workers!
I regret to inform you that Dr. Kaupo Elberg passed away on Friday, 30th of August.
In accordance with his wish, public announcements and condolences have not been distributed.
Yours sincerely
Olavi Kurina
Don Webb (1939-2012)
Gail Kampmeier reported on Facebook to have received the sad news that Don Webb passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 5th in his home. Don worked as a dipterist at the Illinois Natural History Survey starting in 1966, and retired in 2007, although still working on flies as his golf game permitted. Raise a rum & coke in his honor for he will be missed! Here is a photo from the International Congress of Dipterology in 2010 in Costa Rica.
Invitation to publish in a renewed TvE - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Dear colleagues,
I would very much like to invite you to submit papers to the renewed TvE - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, a journal of systematic and evolutionary entomology since 1857.
The journal is being published in a new setting by Brill publishers, and the recently published vol 155, no 1 is now open access at http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/22119434/155/1.
For submitting manuscripts, please go to the Editorial Management System at http://www.editorialmanager.com/tve/, and register.
Publication times are relatively short, also because we will produce now three issues annually.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Those of you who will be at the ICE in Daegu, Korea can meet me there, there will also be a booth of Brill publishers (number 329) where you can make an appointment.
Erik J. van Nieukerken
editor-in chief
TvE - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
c/o Naturalis Biodiversity Center
dep. Terrestrial Zoology
PO Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands
[courier address: Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden]
direct phone: +31-71-56 87 682
fax: +31-71-5687666
e-mail: for Tijdschrift: tve@nev.nl
online submission http://tve.edmgr.com/