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09 November 2011 13:04:42
Wow, Paul, this one "http://www.alexan.
..2826_XaFJ7" is so strange!!!!!! I haven't seen such a this already!!
Paul Beuk
09 November 2011 11:54:38
And what about this: http://www.alexan...2826_XaFJ7?
Paul Beuk
09 November 2011 11:53:16
@Rory: http://www.dipter...ad_id=6312?
Juergen Peters
08 November 2011 22:13:41
@Paul: Thank you!
08 November 2011 20:15:49
Hi folks, I m looking for a photo of a schizophoran fly with its ptilinum exposed. Can anybody help me out?
08 November 2011 11:55:02
key to Palaearctic species of Gymnomus has been finally published :
Igor Grichanov
08 November 2011 11:43:37
Who knows why cant I download this book? http://www.archiv...ches00beck
Paul Beuk
08 November 2011 09:52:23
@Juergen: I have changed it for you in the database. You should be okay for another three months.
08 November 2011 02:26:46
Thanks Paul! I ve just PMed him.
Juergen Peters
07 November 2011 21:56:33
Hi! I have a problem with the "Code of conduct". I have been asked to agree to it several times in the last days, but the "Confirm"-Button does not occur . Have tried IE8, Firefo
Paul Beuk
06 November 2011 20:28:23
He has an account on this site. Did you already send him a PM?
05 November 2011 20:19:13
Hey folks! Anybody got an e-mail address for Leonid Fedyantsev. I want to ask his permission to use one of his photos.
05 November 2011 13:46:35
Great, Rafael!
05 November 2011 13:28:50
I did my homework: wrote the corssreferenced links to the pictures here and at: biodives¡ (in both ways)
Paul Beuk
28 October 2011 09:15:31
Users who should know better will see their threads on non-Diptera in the Diptera forums be deleted!
Stephen R
22 October 2011 10:15:10
Thanks, Sara!
21 October 2011 20:27:38
All the best for all of friends in DI!
Roger Thomason
10 October 2011 05:18:14
Andre, are you dressing up your sheep now?
09 October 2011 18:03:22
Paqui, can I borrow your bra?
Larry Shone
09 October 2011 14:09:19
Paqu, that made me laugh!