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03 January 2012 00:45:05
Happy New Year
01 January 2012 19:48:36
Happy New Year 2012 !!
01 January 2012 12:38:47
Also for you too, Sundew, all of the best wishes for you and to all of friends in!
31 December 2011 20:24:30
A great New Year 2012 to all friends of the forum - may it be peaceful, successful and flyfull !
29 December 2011 22:32:25
At least we understood why! thanks a lot Gordon!
29 December 2011 02:05:30
Arhh - the lightbulb flashes - Sara and Alexaandru - those posts are in the Wetland Kerkini Forum - you shouldn't even know they exist if you are not in the forum -over to Paul.
29 December 2011 02:02:32
Dear Sara - it still all seems OK to me, I just posted a 3rd new thread. If you still can't see anything perhaps Paul can help
28 December 2011 16:11:55
Unfortunately still I can't open. Just show all of discussion forums!
28 December 2011 14:13:04
Seems to be alright now to me. Hope you can see them now
Alexandru Pintilioaie
28 December 2011 13:23:43
I can't see, too
28 December 2011 13:12:28
There are 2 threads with name of "Alive", by Gordon, unfortunately I can't see anything there..!!!??
21 December 2011 13:49:25
Apologies to Paul
Paul Beuk
21 December 2011 13:20:22
I asked you a question in the forum but it was not answered yet... [It is in the forum as I am not very fond of having such conversations here.]
21 December 2011 08:36:47
Of course Paul may have found a lot of things but he hasn't told me about them.
21 December 2011 05:41:49
Thanks Tony, Martin Ebejer sent me a nice list of flies, Kerkini's first Athericid, Dixid and Psilid as well as the Mergea Paul found
Tony Irwin
19 December 2011 12:39:58
Yes, Ibisia species used to be classified as Atherix
19 December 2011 11:10:09
Hi People. Is Atherix marginata the same as Ibisia marginata? Thanks
17 December 2011 01:13:19
Hi All Kerkini People. I need any info you haven't given me ASAP please. See full report in the Kerkini forum.
16 December 2011 19:02:25
select distinct name
from sites
where status='best' and subject='flies'
Result query:
Paul Beuk
25 November 2011 16:29:36