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29 May 2021 17:48:41
What's the difference between Limonia nigropunctata and L. phragmitidis? Can someone help me? Thanks
26 May 2021 10:34:17
Looking for material? See here: https://diptera.i..._id=100716
25 May 2021 14:30:29
Hi, couronne = crown, wreath; espace interoculaire = interocular area, pelotte (misspelled?) pelote = knot, ball of wool...
24 May 2021 14:40:49
Hello, can anyone pls help with the translation of these french words: pelottes, Espace interoculaire and couronne? Thx
Paul Beuk
09 May 2021 15:31:14
Extensions in uppercase are (and were) accepted for gif, jpg, jpeg and png
09 May 2021 15:01:45
OK, thanks Roger, now if someone would just ID the fly I would be happy.
Roger Thomason
06 May 2021 21:31:51
FTAO - Gordon; Please make sure that you use lower case, because attachments with extensions in upper case (capitals) are rejected. So sayeth GOD AKA Paul.
Roger Thomason
06 May 2021 20:40:47
A file called "Fly01a" has an UPPERCASE "F" Gordon. The site takes a dim view of UPPERCASE "'F's"!!
06 May 2021 05:50:19
OK, it has started working now, no idea what was going on.
06 May 2021 05:41:01
I know I have been away a long time - but why can't I load a 63Kb file called Fly01a
Dmitry Gavryushin
15 April 2021 16:02:27
Negrobov, Michael Ackland, Chris Thompson, Laszlo Papp... The Grim Reaper ravages in 2021
29 March 2021 09:55:34
@PaulBeuk Thanks again mate- very useful!
Paul Beuk
14 March 2021 15:00:47
Check your Messenger.
11 March 2021 17:23:38
Greetings! Does anyone have: Satchell's 1947 paper: The larvae of the British species of Psychoda (Diptera: Psychodidae)??? Many thanks
03 March 2021 22:17:35
Thanks Tony
Tony Irwin
02 March 2021 21:02:37
see FAQ (Forum and posting)
01 March 2021 06:08:03
How do I submit photos for identification
Paul Beuk
23 February 2021 10:02:41
Probably something in the file's 'ource data. I edited it and saved as png. Now it is okay.
22 February 2021 14:13:39
What happened to the picture in p?thread_id=99500 ? It had been comressed only horizontally...
20 February 2021 22:13:21
Markus Gebel