The Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST,, originally funded by the EC in the framework of the EDIT project, has launched two types of training at various European research facilities and universities. The �Modern Taxonomy theoretical course programme 2011-2012� offers intensive theoretical courses in subjects as varied as nomenclature; describing, writing and illustrating biodiversity; and managing natural history collections.
The "Expert-in-training Programme 2011-2012" enables graduate students and early career researchers to develop and strengthen their taxonomic research skills (morphological and molecular techniques, bio-informatics, etc.) through on-the-job-training.
Within the latter programme, two training courses focus on the taxonomy of Diptera, and might be of particular interest to you.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussel
Tel: 32 2 627 43 34 (336)
New booklet on Los Angeles syrphids
Flower flies of Los Angeles County, by B. Brown, J. Hogue, and F. C. Thompson. 2011, 28 pages, color photos throughout.
This booklet discusses the behavior of about 20 flower flies (Syrphidae) commonly found in Southern California gardens and parks. It contains interesting information about these flies along with excellent close-up photos.
The booklet is designed to bring the results of the authors' study and survey of Los Angeles flower flies to a wide-ranging audience, and to document the incredible beauty of these diminutive but important creatures. Paperback; 5-1/2 x 8-1/4
Ever since the .eu domains became available the domain had been hijacked by a so-called phantom registrar. On a number of occasions the last few years I checked the status of the domain and even tried to approach the domain holder to take it off their hands. I never got as much as a reply. When I checked again today the domain suddenly appeared as available, so the domain has been registered and is currently pointing to
If, in the future, an independent site is needed for European Diptera, dipterists or dipterology, please remember that the domain is available for use.
Simulium Genome Project just approved
From the Simuliidae mailing list:
We've just been notified that our Simulium Genome white paper was approved by NHGRI Council.
We will be sequencing the genomes of 11 species, including the major S. damnosum siblings, S. woodii, S. ochraceum and S. vittatum.
Thanks to all of you who gave support and encouragement. Anyone interested in participating in the project is encouraged to contact me.
Charles Brockhouse
Marine & Aquatic Genetics Laboratory
Biology Department
Creighton University
Omaha, NE, 68178
Cesa News 64
Dear Colleagues!
Number 64 of the Cesa News has been already placed in the Internet Archive.
[This issue also contains this paper:
Grichanov, I.Y., A.H. Kirk-Spriggs, & P. Grootaert, 2011. New records of Dolichopodidae from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Diptera: Empidoidea). - Cesa News 64: 12-22, 16 figs.