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View Thread :: Identification queries :: Diptera (adults)
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Some unknown Nematocera
Juergen Peters
#1 Print Post
Posted on 20-10-2005 00:16
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Location: northwest Germany
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Joined: 11.09.04


I am just going through my older photos checking for unidentified species. Perhaps someone can help me with these Nematocera of whom I am even unsure about the families (except the first one, which I think is genus Tipula, maybe fascipennis?). Thanks in advance for any hints!

All photos were taken in Ostwestfalen/Germany on meadows near a wood or in our garden.

This one was about three fourths the size of a Tipula oleracea, photo taken May-21, 2005:

This is from May-24, 2004. Same species?

A darker, smaller, more slender species, photographed on May-25, 2003:

A rather small black and red species which visited umbellifers on August-28, 2004:

And again a spring species (May-01-05) visiting milkweed flowers in our garden:
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Paul Beuk
#2 Print Post
Posted on 20-10-2005 07:45
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Juergen Peters wrote:

I am just going through my older photos checking for unidentified species. Perhaps someone can help me with these Nematocera of whom I am even unsure about the families (except the first one, which I think is genus Tipula, maybe fascipennis?). Thanks in advance for any hints!

All photos were taken in Ostwestfalen/Germany on meadows near a wood or in our garden.

This one was about three fourths the size of a Tipula oleracea, photo taken May-21, 2005:

This is from May-24, 2004. Same species?
I think so. Maybe a Tiplua (lunatipula) species.

A darker, smaller, more slender species, photographed on May-25, 2003:
I think a male of Ptychoptera (Ptychopteridae).

A rather small black and red species which visited umbellifers on August-28, 2004:
[image4, image 5]
A species of the Keroplatidae, probably an Orfelia.

And again a spring species (May-01-05) visiting milkweed flowers in our garden:
[image6, image7]
I think a female of Ptychoptera (Ptychopteridae).

And I took the liberty of making all images visible, rather than showing the links. That makes it easier to answer the questions and (if we want) to discuss the identifications. Smile

- - - -

Paul Beuk on
Jan Willem
#3 Print Post
Posted on 20-10-2005 10:03
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Location: Waalwijk, The Netherlands
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Hi J?rgen,

I totally agree with Paul concerning the Ptychopteridae. His identification will not be a surprise to you I guess, because your first Pthychoptera image is also found on "" (http://insektenfo...e)_001.jpg), where it was already identified as Ptychoptera contaminata.

Jan Willem
Juergen Peters
#4 Print Post
Posted on 21-10-2005 01:19
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Location: northwest Germany
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Hello, Paul and Jan!

Thanks for your help!

Paul Beuk wrote:
And I took the liberty of making all images visible, rather than showing the links. That makes it easier to answer the questions and (if we want) to discuss the identifications. Smile

That's right, but I did not know if those many pics were too much for one thread. I did not want to make the page unreadable due to long loading time for modem users.
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Juergen Peters
#5 Print Post
Posted on 21-10-2005 01:26
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Location: northwest Germany
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Hello, Jan!

Jan Willem wrote:
I totally agree with Paul concerning the Ptychopteridae. His identification will not be a surprise to you I guess, because your first Pthychoptera image is also found on "" (http://insektenfo...e)_001.jpg), where it was already identified as Ptychoptera contaminata.

Yes, that's on my own Diptera-Pics-Page (http://insektenfo...iptera.htm), but I included it there only with a 'cf.' and a '?' at the end, because that was only my own amateurish identification. Nice that I was not so wrong... :-)
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Jan Willem
#6 Print Post
Posted on 21-10-2005 06:34
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Location: Waalwijk, The Netherlands
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So you see J?rgen, don't underestimate yourself.Wink
Paul Beuk
#7 Print Post
Posted on 21-10-2005 07:08
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Juergen Peters wrote:
That's right, but I did not know if those many pics were too much for one thread. I did not want to make the page unreadable due to long loading time for modem users.
You may always put htem in different threads. Modem users can now load them from the same site in stead of having to open two sites. Wink

- - - -

Paul Beuk on
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Last updated: 25.08.2011
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19.12.24 12:33
Received missing pages from, free download available for a few days:

17.12.24 23:03
Downloaded the British Handbook Diptera: Bibionid and Scatopsidae flies but pages 58, 59, 67, 68 are missing. Anybody has a complete copy?

08.11.24 16:10

29.07.24 13:19
Don't suppose anyone knows anwhere selling a copy of Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera 2? Always wanted a copy.... Smile

16.07.24 11:37

11.07.24 12:59
Following up on the update provided by Paul on the donations received in 2024, I just made a donation. Follow my example Wink

17.08.23 15:23

17.08.23 13:54
Tony, I HAD a blank in the file name. Sorry!

17.08.23 13:44
Tony, thanks! I tried it (see "Cylindromyia" Wink but don't see the image in the post.

17.08.23 11:37
pjt - just send the post and attached image. Do not preview thread, as this will lose the link to the image,

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