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Portraits of amateur/professional dipterologists
Posted on 22-11-2007 20:12
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Location: Berlin and Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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I really did not intend to jump the queue, as I am a rather new member of the Diptera community, and there are still several leading experts whose portraits are missing, but - to overcome the stagnation, here is a picture showing me and my good old pal Tachie.
Best regards to the whole team whom I consider real friends, too,
Claudia aka Sundew
Sundew attached the following image:

Paul Beuk
Posted on 22-11-2007 20:23
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Paul Beuk on
Posted on 22-11-2007 22:54
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This is excellent! Grin
Nigel Jones, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
Posted on 30-11-2007 23:34
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Location: Viseu - PORTUGAL
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GrinGrinGrin the eagle fly! Grin Well done!! Thanks, Claudia.

More women.. please, show here yourselves!
Cor Zonneveld
Posted on 01-12-2007 22:22
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Well Jorge, because you're so female biased... Here I'm trying to make my daughters enthousiastic.
Cor Zonneveld attached the following image:

Thanks for your attention
Cor Zonneveld
Posted on 01-12-2007 22:39
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great to see in action two very interesting girls on flies! Smile larvae? Grin ehe

Thanks for share.
Posted on 07-12-2007 22:59
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Location: Viseu - PORTUGAL
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I'm waiting for new photos. Smile
Posted on 10-12-2007 06:07

Location: St. Louis, MO U.S.A.
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Hello community. I am trying to learn how to do all this "techno" stuff. I don't know how to put pictures and things yet.Shock
(Any help in this would be greatly appreciated)
But I can introduce myself anyway;
My name is Wayne, I go by "flydude". (It's what they call me at work)
I live here in St. Louis, MO, U.S.A., am a security officer and a pastor of a church my wife and I started here. I have been intrested in insects, specificly flies, sence I was knee high to an asilidae.
My main focus is of study is "what is the impact of flies pollination on the eco-system" and "Forensic Entomology"
So without being too long...
God Bless

P.S. If some one could tell me how to "up load" stuff I can put my picture here for ya'll.
God is His wisdom made the fly, then forgot to tell us why.
*Ogden Nash*
Paul Beuk
Posted on 10-12-2007 09:13
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For posting an image you can use the attachment feature. You can see that if you click the Post reply button after the last post or at the top of the page (left of the New thread button). Just make certain the image is not too big and that the file name does not contain any spaces. You can check the FAQ for more details.

- - - -

Paul Beuk on
Posted on 24-12-2007 12:20
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Merry Christmas and a very good year for all of you!
Posted on 24-12-2007 19:46
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PLEASE, keep sending your photos! Smile
Posted on 27-12-2007 20:45
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Location: Helsinki, Finland
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I have no new portraits to share, but I do have something else that may amuse you for a few moments. I have decided to publish one photograph taken by me each day during the next year, starting from Christmas eve 2007.

The first four pictures have already been uploaded to my Flickr page. None of the photos taken so far is a self-portrait. I'll keep that in store for the bad days Wink. But at least you will get some idea of who, where -- and perhaps why -- I am.

Edit: For the record, I am not a very skilled photographer, nor am I an artist of any kind Pfft So don't except to find much artistic value here. I'm creating this 365* set mostly for fun.

* As year 2008 is a leap-year, I can rest for one day Pfft
Edited by Kahis on 25-04-2008 07:47
Posted on 27-12-2007 21:31
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Location: Viseu - PORTUGAL
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Great idea, Kahis! Smile
But - I hope not! - if you brake the leg or the arm it will not easy to keep every day photos (ok, you could take photos to your leg Pfft). Smile
I know it is not an easy task.

It is not photography but once time I tried to build a physical analemma and I didn't complete... Sad But one day! Smile And it doesn't need to be all 365 days! Smile Have you tried it? Wink

Your niece is nice! Grin You should take a photo when she will realize how can open the little "gate" Smile
Posted on 28-12-2007 06:48
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Kahis wrote:
I have no new portraits to share, but I do have something else that may amuse you for a few moments. I have decided to publish one photograph taken by me each day during the next year, starting from Christmas eve 2007.

Fine idea and good start.
Pierre Duhem
Posted on 30-12-2007 00:17
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so quiet here...
Posted on 30-12-2007 19:13
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Nothing to do - I must open my face before respected colleagues. Here you are.

My family, Elena and Severin will appear as soon as register here themselves.
Nosferatumyia attached the following image:

Posted on 30-12-2007 19:26
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I think you are the first person showing the portrait without telling the real name.. Smile I'm going try to tell your REAL name: Valery Korneyev... hmm... And i think the number 52 will be important for you in the next year. Grin

Aha... and Nosferatumyia is a tephritid fly... hence your interest on Tephritoidea. Grin And expertise as well. Grin
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 30-12-2007 19:33
Posted on 22-01-2008 09:09
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Location: Romania
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here is me with two friends after a hard and hot day in June 2007Smile
amalia_raluca attached the following image:

Edited by amalia_raluca on 22-01-2008 09:12
Posted on 22-01-2008 09:43
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Location: Tilburg, the Netherlands
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You don't look tired! Grin
Rui Andrade
Posted on 22-01-2008 11:43
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That's due to the liquid inside the cup, it makes people happierGrin
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19.12.24 12:33
Received missing pages from, free download available for a few days:

17.12.24 23:03
Downloaded the British Handbook Diptera: Bibionid and Scatopsidae flies but pages 58, 59, 67, 68 are missing. Anybody has a complete copy?

08.11.24 16:10

29.07.24 13:19
Don't suppose anyone knows anwhere selling a copy of Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera 2? Always wanted a copy.... Smile

16.07.24 11:37

11.07.24 12:59
Following up on the update provided by Paul on the donations received in 2024, I just made a donation. Follow my example Wink

17.08.23 15:23

17.08.23 13:54
Tony, I HAD a blank in the file name. Sorry!

17.08.23 13:44
Tony, thanks! I tried it (see "Cylindromyia" Wink but don't see the image in the post.

17.08.23 11:37
pjt - just send the post and attached image. Do not preview thread, as this will lose the link to the image,

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