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View Thread :: Identification queries :: Diptera (adults)
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Euthycera stictica-group
Nikita Vikhrev
#1 Print Post
Posted on 26-03-2007 18:20
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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Joined: 24.05.05

Turk, Side, sand dunas-pine forest.
Probably Euthycera stricta, but genitalia shuold be investigateSad
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Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 04-04-2007 16:48
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Nikita Vikhrev
#2 Print Post
Posted on 27-03-2007 10:24
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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1. I meaned Eu. strictica.
2. But it isn't E. strictica. I'm 95% sure it is
Euthycera stricticaria, much less known species!
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
#3 Print Post
Posted on 27-03-2007 18:38

Location: France, Département de la Moselle
Posts: 609
Joined: 23.12.05

Hello Nikita

Misspeling, I think E. stictica (Fabricius, 1805) ?

Nikita Vikhrev
#4 Print Post
Posted on 27-03-2007 18:49
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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Yes Louis, misspeling, thank you.
But correct is:
Euthycera sticticaria (Mayer 1953) East Mediterranian species with long antennae 2-d.
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Nikita Vikhrev
#5 Print Post
Posted on 31-03-2007 16:07
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Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Stephane Lebrun
#6 Print Post
Posted on 31-03-2007 17:24
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Location: Le Havre, France
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Hello Nikita,
I think your first idea, ie E. stictica is the correct ID for these reasons :
- lunule and frontal vitta well marked ;
- 3d antennal segment about the same length as 2nd and not so rounded (as in E. sticticaria).
It's just my opinion, I can be wrong...

Nikita Vikhrev
#7 Print Post
Posted on 31-03-2007 19:18
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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May be, may be not.
Looking at collected flies it seems to me that antennae is for sticticaria. But of course, it requires to compare with real E. stictica. In Moscow Zool museum there are several specimens of stictica with det. label of R.Rozko?n?, so it is a matter of short time and next week I'll write real ID with help of 6-th sterniteGrin
So, a bien tot!

Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Nikita Vikhrev
#8 Print Post
Posted on 04-04-2007 16:50
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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Well , at my opinion, situation in Euthycera genus isn?t satisfactory (as well as in Sciomyzidae family, I think).
1. Euthycera stictica-sticticaria
According Vala:
E.stictica - very small face spot and antII = antIII
E.sticticaria ? ?normal? face spot and antII > antIII
According Rozkosny, on the contrary:
E.stictica ? ?normal? face spot and antII > antIII
E.sticticaria - very small face spot and antII = antIII
According Rivosecchi:
E.stictica ? small spot of anterior orbital seta (in text ? ?ventral? or seta(?))
E.sticticaria - big spot of anterior orbital seta
Illustrations of genitalia looks also different to use practicaly.
According Vala most ID of E.stictica-group are doubtfull, material is always fragmental and nobody can realy compare it.
Material in Mosc Zool Museum determinated by Dr. Rozkosny (as usualy without other material to compare with) as E.stictica consists of 2 spp from North Caucasus and 8 spp collected by Andrey Ozerov in Middle Asia. Serias of 2 spp corresponds with my serias (of 19 spp), Middle Asian spp looks rather different.
2. So, I think that the best possible ID is so far Euthycera cf. stictica, as Stephane proposed.
At least lunule is large...
Nikita Vikhrev attached the following image:

Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Stephane Lebrun
#9 Print Post
Posted on 05-04-2007 08:13
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Location: Le Havre, France
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Thanks a lot Nikita for this synthesis.
It seems indeed to be a complex group like there are in others families.

Nikita Vikhrev
#10 Print Post
Posted on 05-04-2007 11:43
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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"It seems indeed to be a complex group like there are in others families"...
... or one old good Fabricius's species divided into several doubtful species without sufficient reasonsWink
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
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19.12.24 12:33
Received missing pages from, free download available for a few days:

17.12.24 23:03
Downloaded the British Handbook Diptera: Bibionid and Scatopsidae flies but pages 58, 59, 67, 68 are missing. Anybody has a complete copy?

08.11.24 16:10

29.07.24 13:19
Don't suppose anyone knows anwhere selling a copy of Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera 2? Always wanted a copy.... Smile

16.07.24 11:37

11.07.24 12:59
Following up on the update provided by Paul on the donations received in 2024, I just made a donation. Follow my example Wink

17.08.23 15:23

17.08.23 13:54
Tony, I HAD a blank in the file name. Sorry!

17.08.23 13:44
Tony, thanks! I tried it (see "Cylindromyia" Wink but don't see the image in the post.

17.08.23 11:37
pjt - just send the post and attached image. Do not preview thread, as this will lose the link to the image,

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