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Unknown Muscid
Juergen Peters |
Posted on 23-02-2007 22:40
Member Location: northwest Germany Posts: 13963 Joined: 11.09.04 |
Hello! This male fly sat on the wall of our house tonight (Ostwestfalen/Germany). It had the size of a normal Musca domestica and also some orange markings (more resembling M. autumnalis). But the wing venation is completely different. I've got no clue... What is it? Thanks in advance! Best regards, Jürgen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Juergen Peters Borgholzhausen, Germany WWW: http://insektenfo... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |
Jan Zwaaneveld |
Posted on 24-02-2007 12:36
Member Location: Leerdam, Netherlands Posts: 721 Joined: 20.02.06 |
Hello Juergen, I am far from an expert, but I'll give you my thoughts on this one. Two possibilities spring to my mind when I see such an orange-tipped scutellum: Muscina sp. or Phaonia sp. I don't think it is Muscina, because I do not know of any Muscina with such an orange abdomen. That leaves me with Phaonia subventa and the like, but in that case it is probably a species I do not know, because the thorax seems to be too dark for subventa, and the extensive black markings on the abdomen do not seem to fit rufiventris. On top of that, it lacks the infuscated cross veins Phaonia often shows. Which leaves you with very little, I'm afraid Hopefully one of the experts can help you further. P.s.: is that a Phaonia bristle sticking out under the left wing, just above the hind left leg? (lower picture). http://slamenietd...web-log.nl |
Juergen Peters |
Posted on 24-02-2007 16:58
Member Location: northwest Germany Posts: 13963 Joined: 11.09.04 |
Hello, Jan! Jan Zwaaneveld wrote: Two possibilities spring to my mind when I see such an orange-tipped scutellum: Muscina sp. or Phaonia sp. Thanks! Both came into my mind, too. But I don't know a Muscina with such orange colour and no Phaonia with such pattern. Therefore this fly left me a little bit helpless... P.s.: is that a Phaonia bristle sticking out under the left wing, just above the hind left leg? (lower picture). I'm not sure, if I would recognize that correctly. Below another pic. Juergen Peters attached the following image: [37.89Kb] Best regards, Jürgen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Juergen Peters Borgholzhausen, Germany WWW: http://insektenfo... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |
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