Diptera.info :: Identification queries :: Diptera (adults)
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Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 25-07-2006 15:54
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9356 Joined: 24.05.05 |
As Paul insist (and I agree with him) I try don't put two different species in one thread. So, this thread is part II of http://www.diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=5&thread_id=2599#post_11179 Tony Irwin's reply was: "...looks like a Zaphne species (Anthomyiidae), and it agrees quite well with Z.caudata, but so far I only have a couple of species in this genus, so it could be something else." Nikita Vikhrev attached the following image: [57.06Kb] Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 25-07-2006 15:56
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9356 Joined: 24.05.05 |
I found second image of same (I hope) fly.
Nikita Vikhrev attached the following image: [86.4Kb] Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 25-07-2006 16:11
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9356 Joined: 24.05.05 |
And I have collected fly. Tony wrote: Keep collecting the specimens - I know the winters can be very long in Moscow, and studying the bristles of muscids and anthomyiids is a great way to pass the time! Now I'm absolutely sure that long winter isn't a problem for me. I spend two hours with this fly. Results: Suwa and Darvas key leaded me to genuses Zaphne and Hydrophoria. To choise between its difficult, but I decided that Hydrophria, but checked both genus. Zaphne caudata has short plumose arista, my fly has long. If it is Zaphne, I think it may be only Zaphne divisa. In Hydrophoria fly according with Hydrophoria albiceps. Nikita Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 12-02-2007 23:44
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9356 Joined: 24.05.05 |
And this is Hylemyza partita!
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
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