Diptera.info :: Identification queries :: Diptera (adults)
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Dmitry Gavryushin |
Posted on 07-06-2006 20:26
Member Location: Moscow region, Russia Posts: 3308 Joined: 17.10.05 |
June 06, 2006. Size 7mm. I think this species wasn't among my posts yet. Dmitry Gavryushin attached the following image: [129.03Kb] |
Dmitry Gavryushin |
Posted on 07-06-2006 20:27
Member Location: Moscow region, Russia Posts: 3308 Joined: 17.10.05 |
The right side.
Dmitry Gavryushin attached the following image: [127.73Kb] |
Dmitry Gavryushin |
Posted on 07-06-2006 20:28
Member Location: Moscow region, Russia Posts: 3308 Joined: 17.10.05 |
And the head.
Dmitry Gavryushin attached the following image: [75.83Kb] |
Paul Beuk |
Posted on 07-06-2006 20:40
Super Administrator Location: Netherlands Posts: 19375 Joined: 11.05.04 |
I have not got my kewy here, but this is either Norellia or Norellisoma. I think the former.
Paul - - - - Paul Beuk on https://diptera.info |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 07-06-2006 22:40
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9347 Joined: 24.05.05 |
According the key I have: Spines on t1 in 2 rows, 5 dc - Norellisoma; Hairs on arista only as long as base of arista - Norellisoma liturata. Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Paul Beuk |
Posted on 08-06-2006 08:08
Super Administrator Location: Netherlands Posts: 19375 Joined: 11.05.04 |
Difficult to be sure, but I think the hairs on the arista may be longer than you indicate. In that case it could be N. spinimanum, which would fit better with size and I think locality...
Paul - - - - Paul Beuk on https://diptera.info |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 08-06-2006 10:24
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9347 Joined: 24.05.05 |
In my key in case of N. spinimanum hairs have to be "more than two times longer than arista base diametr". But realy, difficult to be sure. One more problem: N. liturata given size 4-6 only. There is one more species in my key N. lesgiae of siutable size, but it absents in Netherland and in Czech checklists, so I doubt whether this species is still exist. Andrey Ozerov likes this family... Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
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