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View Thread :: Identification queries :: Diptera (adults)
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Good ol' Pollenia (14.12.08) --> P. cf. rudis
Juergen Peters
#1 Print Post
Posted on 14-12-2008 20:02
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Location: northwest Germany
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Joined: 11.09.04


This male sunbathing at the forest this afternoon (northwest Germany) was rather large (10 mm+). Any characters that could delimit possible species?

1100x1100 pic (150 KB):
Juergen Peters attached the following image:

Edited by Juergen Peters on 28-11-2017 20:54
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Juergen Peters
#2 Print Post
Posted on 14-12-2008 21:16
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Location: northwest Germany
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Another big, dark one from today from a stake on a meadow with apple trees.
Juergen Peters attached the following image:

Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Juergen Peters
#3 Print Post
Posted on 14-12-2008 21:17
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Location: northwest Germany
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Same individual as No. 2.
Juergen Peters attached the following image:

Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Susan R Walter
#4 Print Post
Posted on 14-12-2008 22:24
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Location: Touraine du Sud, central France
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Male Pollenia are the most frustrating creatures. You can have whizzed half a dozen neatly through the key and be starting to get smug, thinking 'aha, I am getting the hang of these' then you will get two in a row that just will not come out the other end of the key with a name Angry

I currently hate Pollenia, but just for you, Juergen, I will say this:

Not amentaria – dusting on abdomen clearly tessellated and shifting, not weak with lots of shining black.

Not vagabunda – no dark median vitta between pre acr.

? hmm...basicosta appears black, which would eliminate. Can't see key character which is bunch of pale curly hairs on node of humeral x-vein and Sc. This feature is on the underside, so never going to be visible in photos.

Not griseotomentosa - large size of the above specimens eliminates this rather small species, as well as lack of dark median line and posterior margins of tergites.

Dark basicosta probably eliminates rudis, angustigena and pallida.

Could be labialis.

But it's a bit 'could' and I wouldn't like to swear to it.

Juergen Peters
#5 Print Post
Posted on 14-12-2008 22:47
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Location: northwest Germany
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Joined: 11.09.04

Hello, Susan!

Many thanks for explaining this! I previously thought, the females of Pollenia were so difficult (males, too, but not as impossible as the females). Must have confused that...
Edited by Juergen Peters on 14-12-2008 22:48
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Susan R Walter
#6 Print Post
Posted on 15-12-2008 13:53
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Location: Touraine du Sud, central France
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No, you didn't confuse it. Females are impossible, not just difficult. Sad
#7 Print Post
Posted on 28-11-2017 13:37
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Location: Berlin, Germany
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The color of the basicosta is helpful with Lucilia but not Pollenia. The basicosta of the rudis group can be yellow, brown or dark brown/black. I have yellow and black from two different rudis specimens. According to Dr. Rognes, the features mentioned in his publications have "no taxonomical value." In other words, the features are unreliable.

The photos here depict a species of the rudis group in my opinion. I cannot see golden vestiture which can rule out angustigena. Notice that t2 has 2 ad setae.

I'm very comfortable suggesting a male Pollenia rudis.
John and Nini. Naturalists not experts.
Juergen Peters
#8 Print Post
Posted on 28-11-2017 20:54
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Location: northwest Germany
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johnes81 wrote:
The photos here depict a species of the rudis group in my opinion. I cannot see golden vestiture which can rule out angustigena. Notice that t2 has 2 ad setae.
I'm very comfortable suggesting a male Pollenia rudis.

many thanks!
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
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19.12.24 12:33
Received missing pages from, free download available for a few days:

17.12.24 23:03
Downloaded the British Handbook Diptera: Bibionid and Scatopsidae flies but pages 58, 59, 67, 68 are missing. Anybody has a complete copy?

08.11.24 16:10

29.07.24 13:19
Don't suppose anyone knows anwhere selling a copy of Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera 2? Always wanted a copy.... Smile

16.07.24 11:37

11.07.24 12:59
Following up on the update provided by Paul on the donations received in 2024, I just made a donation. Follow my example Wink

17.08.23 15:23

17.08.23 13:54
Tony, I HAD a blank in the file name. Sorry!

17.08.23 13:44
Tony, thanks! I tried it (see "Cylindromyia" Wink but don't see the image in the post.

17.08.23 11:37
pjt - just send the post and attached image. Do not preview thread, as this will lose the link to the image,

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