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View Thread :: Identification queries :: Diptera (adults)
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Megamerina dolium?
Nikita Vikhrev
#1 Print Post
Posted on 14-05-2006 20:25
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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Moscow, park, 3-4mm, 14 may, on the same dead birch where I've met Medetera-"Asteiidae".
Sorry in advance if it is another stupid idea (I've never seen before neither Medetera, nor Megamerina).
Nikita Vikhrev attached the following image:

Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Paul Beuk
#2 Print Post
Posted on 14-05-2006 20:45
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Looking at the shape of the antennae I think Clusiodes, family Clusiidae.
Edited by Paul Beuk on 15-05-2006 07:22

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Paul Beuk on
#3 Print Post
Posted on 14-05-2006 22:06
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NOT Megamerinidae. They are much larger flies.
Teglagyar u. 30.
Nikita Vikhrev
#4 Print Post
Posted on 15-05-2006 17:11
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Thank you Paul and Xespok.
Today I spend half an hour in same place and collected this fly (I hope).
Clusoides albimanus (=Clusoides pictipes)?
Nikita Vikhrev attached the following image:

Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Jan Willem
#5 Print Post
Posted on 15-05-2006 19:28
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Location: Waalwijk, The Netherlands
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Hi Nikita,

Not surprising since it is one of the Opomyzoidea, this family is also one of my favorites.

Jan Willem
Paul Beuk
#6 Print Post
Posted on 15-05-2006 19:50
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As you might expect from the colours of the tarsi (which are NOT partly white). This is not C. albimanus. I will check which one it might be later.

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Paul Beuk on
Nikita Vikhrev
#7 Print Post
Posted on 15-05-2006 19:52
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Hi Jan. I didn't understand:
not surprising that I'm wrong
not surprising that it is realy Clusoides albimanus (=Clusoides pictipes)
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Nikita Vikhrev
#8 Print Post
Posted on 15-05-2006 20:02
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Hi Paul.
In my key there isn't any question about tarsi colour.
- thorax mostly black
- no dc ahead of suture
- wings cloudy only in apical 1/3 + face seta approx as long as vi
- face black
result - Clusoides pictipes. According your book Clusoides pictipes= Clusoides albimanus, but Clusoides albimanus has to have dc before suture.

Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Nikita Vikhrev
#9 Print Post
Posted on 18-05-2006 22:31
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I came back on that place once more.
Two better life pic of that Clusiodes.
Nikita Vikhrev attached the following image:

Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Paul Beuk
#10 Print Post
Posted on 19-05-2006 07:14
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LoL, I really must dig up that key from all my reprints somewhere.

And pictipes probably is a valid species, but at least in Dutch literature (and maybe also other) it has incorrectly been used for albimanus. There is a Fauna Europaea page on pictipes (http://www.faunae...p?id=61165) but I cannot access that atm because the server is down (again).
Edited by Paul Beuk on 19-05-2006 09:20

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Paul Beuk on
Nikita Vikhrev
#11 Print Post
Posted on 19-05-2006 10:48
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In list of Czech & Slovak there are subgenus Clusiodes with C. albimanus and subgenus Clusiaria with Clusiaria pictipes.
Anyway flies are collected, so sooner or later we'll get new family for Gellery!
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Paul Beuk
#12 Print Post
Posted on 21-05-2006 06:02
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It is either C. (Clusiaria) apicalis or C. (Clusiaria) pictipes. The only difference between the two that I could find in keys was in the male genitalia.

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Paul Beuk on
Nikita Vikhrev
#13 Print Post
Posted on 21-05-2006 08:45
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Thank you Paul. It is a grate pleasure to me that I came to same conclusions. I have 1 female and 2 male. So I started to investigate genitalia. It is hard job unexpirienced person, but I decided that it is rather C. pictipes than apicalis. Another reason was that if we can not to distinuish species by photo, so we can sign photo with name of more common out of possible species. So I did.
During my next visit Andrey Ozerov in Moscow Zool Musem I'll compare my flies with musem material, hope it helps to find final answer.
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Jan Willem
#14 Print Post
Posted on 21-05-2006 13:42
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Hi Nikita,

If you studied the genitalia and decided pictipes fits best, then I don't doubt you are right! What I have seen from the pictures in keys, the shape of the genitalia of the two species is rather different.

And with "not surprising" I obviously didn't mean "not surprising that you were wrong"Shock (I wouldn't dare to suggest that), but "not surprising that the family Clusiidae is also one of my favorits"Grin.

Jan Willem
Nikita Vikhrev
#15 Print Post
Posted on 21-05-2006 14:49
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Thank you Jan.
1. I simply didn't understand what did you mean. Now I understand. And I hope you love all Opomyzoidea, but excluding this terrible and undeterminated family - Agromyzidae?Wink
2. One more question concerning Opomyzoidea. Several weeks ago Black send image of fly which I determinated him as Aulacigaster leucopeza. I think that this bold-brown strip on the forehead above antenae easily permit to ID this fly (someday Andrey Ozerov showed me this fly). If nobody disaggree with ID - we can start new family in Gallery (Black's permitions - OK).
3. As well, I'll be glad to offer to start also Cluisiidae family, but I'd prefer to be more sure with ID. I'll visit Ozerov after coming back from one week in Turkey (next week). Hope to find something interesting, of course, all Opomyzidae - yours!Grin
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Nikita Vikhrev
#16 Print Post
Posted on 21-05-2006 14:56
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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Thank you Jan.
1. I simply didn't understand what did you mean. Now I understand. And I hope you love all Opomyzoidea, but excluding this terrible and undeterminated family - Agromyzidae?Wink
2. One more question concerning Opomyzoidea. Several weeks ago Black send image of fly which I determinated him as Aulacigaster leucopeza. I think that this bold-brown strip on the forehead above antenae easily permit to ID this fly (someday Andrey Ozerov showed me this fly). If nobody disaggree with ID - we can start new family in Gallery (Black's permitions - OK).
3. As well, I'll be glad to offer to start also Cluisiidae family, but I'd prefer to be more sure with ID. I'll visit Ozerov after coming back from one week in Turkey (next week). Hope to find something interesting, of course, all Opomyzidae - yours!Grin
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
Nikita Vikhrev
#17 Print Post
Posted on 21-05-2006 14:56
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Location: Moscow, Russia
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Thank you Jan.
1. I simply didn't understand what did you mean. Now I understand. And I hope, you love all Opomyzoidea, but excluding this terrible and undeterminated family - Agromyzidae?Wink
2. One more question concerning Opomyzoidea. Several weeks ago Black send image of fly which I determinated him as Aulacigaster leucopeza. I think that this bold-brown strip on the forehead above antenae easily permit to ID this fly (someday Andrey Ozerov showed me this fly). If nobody disaggree with ID - we can start new family in Gallery (Black's permitions - OK).
3. As well, I'll be glad to offer to start also Cluisiidae family, but I'd prefer to be more sure with ID. I'll visit Ozerov after coming back from one week in Turkey (next week). Hope to find something interesting, of course, all Opomyzidae - yours!Grin
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University
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