Diptera.info :: Identification queries :: Diptera (adults)
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Thai17. Another Sciapidinae.
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 12-01-2006 13:19
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9347 Joined: 24.05.05 |
Looks like first one but completely green. I meet this fly in several forested areas. Usualy near decaying organic matter, but not on, in some distance about 10 cm. There fly put eggs in dry soil. I think it means that larvae will feed on another fly's larvae developing in neiborhood organic. Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 28-01-2006 17:47
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9347 Joined: 24.05.05 |
1. I can't stop send more this fly. They are so beautiful! 2. My searching in web lead me to very large genus Chrysosoma. Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
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