How do I make links to Glossary pages in something I want to post?
In every category where you can post as member (Articles, News and forum), you will find a glos button that will create a link to a Glossary page with the term you selected. Be ware, if the term is not yet present in the Glossary database, the returned page will be an error message. However, you can submit the term yourself (see below), though there will be an error message until it is approved by an administrator.
How can I submit terms to the Glossary?
You go to the Glossary page (link in the Navigation Panel). At the bottom of the page members will find a panel explaining the procedure and a link to a page where they can submit their terms. Each new term will be placed in a category that is hidden from all users except the administrators. Administrators can see if new terms were submitted and can then go on to approve them (possibly after editing them).