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View Thread :: Identification queries :: Diptera (adults)
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Tony T
#1 Print Post
Posted on 02-09-2007 16:49
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Location: New Brunswick, Canada
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1 September 2007, NB, Canada. Length: 8mm
To me, looks like a 'typical' tachinid with large spines; not like the big-headed, no spines Phasia sp. of my last postWink
Tony T attached the following image:

#2 Print Post
Posted on 02-09-2007 17:16

Location: Soest, NL
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I agree.

Very difficult for me to go any further. The bend in vein M is rather smooth and the praealar bristle is short, so Blondeliini is an option.

Tony T
#3 Print Post
Posted on 02-09-2007 21:47
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Thanks Theo, that's far enough. I'm concentrating on phtographing and keeping all the flies I can catch and have time to process during the summer. Eventually I will get around to looking at them closely to try and get some level of identification. Your comments, and those of others, are great places for me to start and will save me lots of time and frustration. I realize that your ID are somewhat tentative based solely on photographs of "New World" species. I do appreciate your comments.
#4 Print Post
Posted on 02-09-2007 22:39
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Tony - magnificent photography. HOW do you achieve such brilliant results?
Nigel Jones, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
Tony T
#5 Print Post
Posted on 02-09-2007 23:03
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Thanks for the compliment. This image is 43K, you should see the original 24MB imageGrin.
This is a stacked image of about 15 images, each at a slightly different focus. I stack them using Helicon Focus. I use a Nikon digital camera, a manual focus 105mm Nikon Micro lens coupled to a 52.5mm extension tube (PN11). For very small flies I use 2 PN11's + a 1.4x teleconverter.
For lighting, a single Nikon SB800 flash.
Pinned fly is surrounded by tube of white paper, flash aimed at ouside of this tube.
#6 Print Post
Posted on 03-09-2007 05:45
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Location: Sweden
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Wonderful photos. Thanks for the technical info. You should publish a coffee table book with all these detailed fly photos Grin
Philippe moniotte
#7 Print Post
Posted on 03-09-2007 09:41
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Yes indeed wonderful, and thanks for the explanation. I have the exact same equipment and feel like giving it a try (I don't collect, just shoot in the field, but I'll find some material to experiment with).
Just one question : what exactly do you mean by 'the flash pointing to the outside of the paper tube " ?

Tony T
#8 Print Post
Posted on 03-09-2007 13:40
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crex wrote:
Wonderful photos. Thanks for the technical info. You should publish a coffee table book with all these detailed fly photos Grin

Jorge once asked "why study flies"; for me it's the structures, the detail and the incredible colours - all of which can be appreciated by macro-photography.
A book of close-ups would be nice but I think the market for Nearctic Diptera photos would be in the range of 1-5.
I will accept credit for technique but the real credit goes to Nikon for their incredible lenses, quite capable of resolving hairs and spines on a fly, and to Helicon Focus that magically can combine many, basically out of focus images, into 1 sharp 3-dimensional image. I have stacked (combined) up to 30 such images!
Attached is a blow-up of this fly's head
Tony T attached the following image:

#9 Print Post
Posted on 03-09-2007 15:25
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I imagine you hardly need the specimen with such good detail reproduction. You can archive that fly in the darkest corner of the collection.

I would like to try this technique myself. I think I know how you set this up, but I'm not sure how you aim your flash and how large the paper tube should be. Do you have a photo of your setup?
Tony T
#10 Print Post
Posted on 03-09-2007 18:46
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Philippe moniotte wrote:
Just one question : what exactly do you mean by 'the flash pointing to the outside of the paper tube " ?

Crex wote: I would like to try this technique myself. I think I know how you set this up, but I'm not sure how you aim your flash and how large the paper tube should be. Do you have a photo of your setup?

The paper tube acts simply as a flash diffuser. It can be made from 8.5 x 11" or 8.5 x 14" regular office copy paper. By aiming the flash at the tube the entire tube acts as a light source so that the light comes from all directions. Otherwise you will most surely get harsh shadows if you aim the flash directly at the fly. The SB800 has a built in diffuser and I will sometimes use this as well as the paper tube.
Note that the flash is "off camera", has to be to get the flash above the tube.
It is important not to alter focussing using the lens; one must either move the entire camera or the fly. I keep the camera solid and move the fly (actually I move the entire fly holder + paper tube). Thus you need some sort of focussing rail that will move in 1mm or less increments.
Also a good idea is to have the camera and the fly-holder on the same rigid 'optical bench'.
I use various combinations of 105mm micros lens, PN11 tubes, 1.4 teleconverter, Nikon 4T close-up attachment lens.
Tony T attached the following image:

#11 Print Post
Posted on 03-09-2007 18:51
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Location: Sweden
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Thanks Tony. Impressive setup Grin
Tony T
#12 Print Post
Posted on 03-09-2007 19:34
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Location: New Brunswick, Canada
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For an alternate set-up for super macro take a look at this page by "The Master" of this technique HERE
#13 Print Post
Posted on 03-09-2007 19:40
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Location: Viseu - PORTUGAL
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it looks like a machine of war. awkward
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19.12.24 12:33
Received missing pages from, free download available for a few days:

17.12.24 23:03
Downloaded the British Handbook Diptera: Bibionid and Scatopsidae flies but pages 58, 59, 67, 68 are missing. Anybody has a complete copy?

08.11.24 16:10

29.07.24 13:19
Don't suppose anyone knows anwhere selling a copy of Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera 2? Always wanted a copy.... Smile

16.07.24 11:37

11.07.24 12:59
Following up on the update provided by Paul on the donations received in 2024, I just made a donation. Follow my example Wink

17.08.23 15:23

17.08.23 13:54
Tony, I HAD a blank in the file name. Sorry!

17.08.23 13:44
Tony, thanks! I tried it (see "Cylindromyia" Wink but don't see the image in the post.

17.08.23 11:37
pjt - just send the post and attached image. Do not preview thread, as this will lose the link to the image,

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