System update
Posted by Paul Beuk on 21 October 2005 10:47:21
The Content Management System has been updated to v6.00.204. As a result, some of the features that were present earlier are still not present. I will include them as soon as possible.
There are several new themes available, most of the with their own logo. The easiest way to try them out is to log out and use the Theme Switcher that is available for guests. Using the Theme Switcher you can switch themes on the fly without having to edit your profile. When you have found the one you like, you can log in again and set it in your profile.

Updated to v6.00.205: 1 November 2005
Updated to v6.00.206: 14 November 2005
Updated to v6.00.207: 29 November 2005
Updated to v6.00.300: 16 December 2005