2014 Simuliidae Symposium Venue
Posted by Paul Beuk on 08 July 2013 09:57:59
Dear Colleagues,

This message is being sent to several mailing lists, if you receive more than one copy, please forgive me. Also please give a copy to any interested member who has not received this letter.

As you may know I have been asked by Aleksandra Cupinas and Rory Post to organise a ballot of simuliidologists to decide where we should hold the 2014 Symposium.

There are three candidates.

1. Torino, Italy;

2. Pavlodar, Kazakhstan;

3. Zaragoza, Spain.

Their full proposals can be examined at these URLs: see Read more
Extended News
Dear Colleagues,

This message is being sent to several mailing lists, if you receive more than one copy, please forgive me. Also please give a copy to any interested member who has not received this letter.

As you may know I have been asked by Aleksandra Cupinas and Rory Post to organise a ballot of simuliidologists to decide where we should hold the 2014 Symposium.

There are three candidates.

1. Torino, Italy;

2. Pavlodar, Kazakhstan;

3. Zaragoza, Spain.

Their full proposals can be examined at these URLs:

Italy - Kazakhstan - Spain

To help you decide I have created a summary table listing the main features and costs of each venue. It can be seen as a web page here: Comparison Table.

Complete the Ballot Form below, then copy and paste the text between the double lines into a new e-mail and send it to jaybeedee@gmail.com. with Subject: "Symposium 201 4 Ballot" to arrive before the end of Wednesday 17 July.

John Davies


Ballot Form

Your Name.....................................

Organisation or Address..................

Please indicate your !st., 2nd., and 3rd. choices below.

If you can only attend at two venues, leave the 3rd. choice blank.

Decision will be made on the greatest number of first choice votes. If there is a tie, then the second (and third if still a tie) votes will be taken into consideration.

NOTE all meetings will be in the week of 15 to 20 September 2014

Venues are: Torino, Pavlodar and Zaragoza.

1. My 1st. choice of venue is.....................

2. My 2dn. choice of venue is.....................

3..My 3rd. choice of venue is.....................

Add any comment:...........................
