Thread subject: :: Coenosia from Mojave Desert? --> likely C. humilis

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-03-2021 18:36

Ken, of course, it is not a Huckett's problem, but a global one. Entomology (or Dipterology) started 200 years ago as science with the centre in Europe. Presently dipterology has a sad trend to divide onto European one; N American one; Chinese one; S American dipterology is coming.
There is even trend that Malaysian (or Australian, or Namibian) material has to be investigated by Malaysian (or ... ) dipterologysts. These trends lead dipterology to a chaotic state, alas.
What can we do? I'm sure that mass exchange of, for example, Palaearctic and Nearctic material is badly need. If you can compare Palaearctic C. humilis with your Californian specimen (yes, female), you can come to conclusion is it C. humilis or something else.
Moscow Zoological museum generally and I personally are ready to such exchange with you or any other person or collection.