Thread subject: :: Diptera larvae? Stratiomyidae, Pachygastrinae. Probably a Zabrachia.

Posted by Morten A Mjelde on 01-03-2021 20:18

Found this under pine bark today March 1st. Telemark, Norway. The beetle is measured at 1.8 mm.

Edited by Morten A Mjelde on 01-03-2021 21:58

Posted by eklans on 01-03-2021 21:34

Hi Morton, Stratiomyidae, Pachygastrinae. Probably a Zabrachia, but I cannot see enough bristles to be sure.

Greetings, Eric

Posted by Morten A Mjelde on 01-03-2021 21:57

Thank you very much! Interesting that it is possible to find an insect genus based on the larva's appearance.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-03-2021 09:48

Even better. You are more likely to establish the occurrence of Zabrachia by looking for the larvae than trying to find the adults. I do not know about the present state, but twenty years ago, here in the Netherlands, there were about ten times as many sites from which we knew the larvae than from which we (just) knew the adults.

Posted by eklans on 05-03-2021 12:35

The present state seems to be identical: These larva were found under the bark of an old dead but standing Pinus silvestris this morning. And last year I've seen many larvae but only one adult...

Greetings, Eric