Thread subject: :: Propose for a dipterological encounter...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 18-11-2007 17:25

LOCAL: South of Spain - somewhere near Granada or Murcia.
DATE: March 2008 - 2-3 days.

It would be mainly an entirely field session where we take photos and, with previous authorization, collect some specimens.

In Sierra Nevada - Granada for example to make field visits during all the day and night, during 2 days. Ideally during a weekend. Friday, Saturday and Monday.

It would be great to get sponsors... :) to below the prices. :S

Anyone who can and it is very interested to join this propose please let us know here in this thread. Beware that this is just a proposal. I wish if this could be possible... and if there are enough members that would like to join this crazy idea, it would be nice. :D