Thread subject: :: Tachinidae ID? /South Korea --> Tachina nupta

Posted by wonwoong on 03-11-2020 07:03


I would like to ask the ID of this Tachina, photographed on Jun 19, 2019 in Gangwon-do, South Korea. Unfortunately the photo is bit out of focus. Maybe Tachina magnicornis? Any form of help is appreciated!

Specimen not collected.

Edited by wonwoong on 10-11-2020 06:30

Posted by wonwoong on 03-11-2020 07:04

Lateral side

Posted by Zeegers on 03-11-2020 07:37

Yes, Tachina, however not magnicornis, but the taxon referred to as “ nupta micado”.


Posted by wonwoong on 03-11-2020 08:03

Zeegers wrote:
Yes, Tachina, however not magnicornis, but the taxon referred to as “ nupta micado”.


Do you mean that "nupta micado" is a subspecies of nupta? or is it just a name for certain variation?


Edited by wonwoong on 03-11-2020 08:04