Thread subject: :: Phaonia to ID--> Phaonia valida

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 19-10-2020 12:17

Phaonia (Rui Andrade det) on a vehicle (Iberia:Catalonia: Girona: Beuda, 14/10/2020). Is possible to know the species?
- Presutural acrostichals represented by fine hairs only
- Legs reddish and black
- Arista plumose

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 04-02-2023 16:11

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 19-10-2020 12:18


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 19-10-2020 12:18


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 19-10-2020 12:19


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 19-10-2020 12:19


Posted by nielsyese on 19-10-2020 21:08

Looks like Phaonia valida, but I’m not sure about similar species in your country.

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 20-10-2020 14:33

There are a lot, but all of them are included in Gregor et al 2002 key.:
Phaonia palpata (Stein, 1897)
Phaonia scutellata (Zetterstedt, 1845)
Phaonia serva (Meigen, 1826)
Phaonia rufipalpis (Macquart, 1835)
Phaonia rufiventris (Scopoli, 1763)
Phaonia subventa (Harris, 1780)
Phaonia tuguriorum (Scopoli, 1763)
Phaonia valida (Harris, 1780)
Phaonia trimaculata (Bouché, 1834)
Phaonia zugmayeriae (Schnabl, 1888)
Phaonia villana Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Phaonia amabilis (Meigen, 1826)
Phaonia aeneiventris (Zetterstedt, 1845)
Phaonia bitincta (Rondani, 1866)
Phaonia cincta (Zetterstedt, 1846)
Phaonia exoleta (Meigen, 1826)
Phaonia errans (Meigen, 1826)
Phaonia mystica (Meigen, 1826)
Phaonia pratensis (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)
Phaonia pura (Loew, 1873)
Phaonia angelicae (Scopoli, 1763)
Phaonia consobrina (Zetterstedt, 1838)
Phaonia impura Zinoviev, 1987
Phaonia lugubris (Meigen, 1826)
Phaonia mediterranea Hennig, 1963
Phaonia meigeni Pont, 1986
Phaonia pallida (Fabricius, 1787)

Thanks anyway, I'll try with the keys and that is a good clue


Edited by rafael_carbonell on 04-02-2023 16:11

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 04-02-2023 12:46

[Gregor et al 2002]
Posterodorsal seta in distal third of hind tibia well developed.
Prosternum bare [not visible].
Mid tibia without anterodorsals.
Radial node bare [assumed, not observed]
Scutellum at least apically yellow or reddish.
Abdomen completely dark = with no yellow.
__Notopleuron without any hairs near base of posterior notopleural seta (no way)
Notopleuron with some hairs around posterior notopleural seta [difficult to see]
Mid and hind femora yellow.
__Katepimeron bare; crossveins strongly infuscated (no way)
Katepimeron haired [not visible]
Crossveins at most slightly infuscated.
Lower occipital setae partly reddish yellow.
Frontal triangle reaching middle of frons.
Vein M1 somewhat upcurved apically.
Sternite 1 bare.
Phaonia valida (Harris)

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 04-02-2023 12:47

Posted by eklans on 04-02-2023 13:19

P. valida is correct - I think this combination of characters is unique:

Lower occipital setae partly reddish yellow.
Vein M1 somewhat upcurved apically.

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 04-02-2023 15:50

Thanks again!