Thread subject: :: Musca domestica photo for Wikipedia

Posted by Kahis on 10-11-2007 03:05


The Wikipedia page for Musca domestica lacks good photos of the fly, which is a shame as it is probably the most accessed fly page. I have deleted various photos of calliphorids, sarcophagids fannids, etc. from the page during the last months. Finally, I found a photo of a Musca female which is at least close to M. domestica.

The problem is, I am still not 100% sure this isn't M. autumnalis. The width of the orbitals seems rather intermediate and I don't have large samples of females of the two species to compare.

So, could someone either confirm that the fly in the photo linked to above is Musca domestica, or upload a good photograph or two of the species to Wikimedia Commons?

Best wishes

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 10-11-2007 15:42

let's go hunting for Musca domestica! :)
Why don't ask to authors that took photos to M. domestica (see the gallery) if they grant the photo.. ;)

Posted by Xespok on 10-11-2007 18:03

I have lots of Musca domestica photos here. They can be used for non-profit purposes without limitations.

Posted by Xespok on 10-11-2007 18:05

I think the pic at Wikimedia shows domestica female, not autumnalis.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 10-11-2007 20:35

Of the Musca that occur in Belgium, this specimen is closest to domestica. I don't think there's anyone out there who will argue with you Jere! ;)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 17-12-2007 16:41

Today I found Musca on a beach near Pattaya.
Collected and prooved M.domestica :D

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 17-12-2007 16:47
