Thread subject: :: Culex pipiens?

Posted by Babaudus on 18-09-2020 15:49

Dear all,

here's another one from Lake Schmiechen (SW Germany). Could it be Culex pipiens?


Posted by Tony Irwin on 18-09-2020 20:15

Superficially it looks OK for Cx. pipiens, but there seems to be an indication of white rings on the tarsi; and the pale bands on the abdominal tergites are very even. As a rule the bands expand along the lateral margin in pipiens. So I'm left wondering whether this might be a Culiseta species, such as morsitans. Fortunately Culiseta have a good character to check - they possess prespiracular setae, which Culex don't have.

Posted by Babaudus on 20-09-2020 07:00

Thanks Tony, much appreciated!
I will check the setae tomorrow, Monday, when I have access to a binocular microscope.

Posted by Babaudus on 21-09-2020 09:27

OK, under the microscope it looks like it does have prespiracular setae (and no postspiracular setae).