Thread subject: :: Chalcosyrphus ?

Posted by Sundew on 19-07-2020 02:00

There are three similar Chalcosyrphus species in your region: C. femoratus, C. valgus, and C. rufipes. In a Swedish paper (https://docplayer...hidae.html) a key is given, which I just translated. - I would exclude C. femoratus that I saw some years ago (see https://diptera.i...d_id=48510, because your fly does not have yellow haltere knobs. C. femoratus males have long hairs on tibiae 1 and 2, but your fly is a female, so this character is not helpful. C. valgus and C. rufipes can be told apart by the colour of the short, spiny bristles on the underside of the middle tarsus. In C. rufipes these bristles are black, whereas C. valgus has yellow bristles. Unfortunately, this character is not visible in your picture, so we are stuck with "Chalcosyrphus spec.", sorry!
Regards, Sundew