Thread subject: :: Small fly from Piptoporus bentulinus bracket

Posted by BH Little on 12-06-2020 15:23

I had many of these small yellow and black flies emerge from bracket fungi, can anybody help with and ID please?

Edited by BH Little on 12-06-2020 15:28

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-06-2020 15:52

Chloropidae; Gaurax maculipennis, I think.

Posted by BH Little on 12-06-2020 16:00

Thanks Paul, Still on a sharp learning curve for diptera and using the internet resources so was not sure if I could post more than one photo per post. Would a photo of the genital capsule firm up the ID. I also have a small grey beast to follow, so its would be helpful to know if I can post two photos?

Posted by Sundew on 13-06-2020 01:45

Many pictures per thread, but one picture per post ;).
Use the "NEW REPLY" function to add another photo. And never forget to tell us where and when the photo was taken, that is important.
Regards, Sundew

Posted by BH Little on 13-06-2020 08:24

The bracket was collected near Dalgety Bay, Fife, Scotland, around 40 emerged (indoors).

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-06-2020 11:01

Genitalia are more like those of G. ephippium. The wings appeared to be darker apically but that may have been a trick of the light.