Posted by Renko on 31-01-2020 22:54
I found galls on ferns, at Bonningues-lès-Ardres, in North of France, the 22 May 2018, in a deciduous forest mainly composed of
Fagus sylvatica, in an undergrowth with lots of
Rubus sp. and Ferns, which seemed very similar to the one of Chirosia betuleti. But sadly, I lost my pictures of the galls, and I don't remember the color of the larva.
The adults have emerged the 10 april 2019 (Maybe a bit too soon in the season ?)
I first thought this was the female and the male
Chirosia betuleti, but could it also be
Chirosia crassiseta ?
Thanks in advance for any help !
Best regards,