Thread subject: :: Sepsid-like pallopterid

Posted by Xylosoma on 19-11-2019 17:17

Yes, Ozerov discussed Temnosira as junior synonym of Toxoneura. This synonymy apparently is not in use. Papp redefined Pallopteridae in 2011 and gives Temmnosira and Toxoneura as distinct genera. At the same time, he reinstated Eurygnathomyiidae as separate family which does not establish in recent publications or Fauna Europae. seems to be offline today to check this out.
Ozerov described his shatalkini from Altai in the genus Temnosira. Unfortunately, I don’t have this paper. In his publication to Russian Pallopteridae he somehow forgotten this fact in the key and did not set the authors (his) name in parentheses. The figures of wings of T. ambusta and T. shatalkini aren’t showing any differences.
The main question is: Who is going to Alps next summer to collect some more ambusta with complete dark disc of mesonotum 😉 . I have collected all my described colour variations in France.