Thread subject: :: Opomyzidae genus Geomyza

Posted by Oryctes on 24-10-2019 13:09
Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 05/09/2019
Altitude : 51 m - Taille : 4 mm environ
Réf. : 242126
Oryctes : France : Villeneuve-d'Ascq : 59650 : 05/09/2019
Altitude : NR - Taille : 4 mm environ
Réf. : 242129
I am back to the site with this little fly (4mm), the name of which is not easy to find. I met it in September on the edge of a little dried-up pool in Villeneuve-d'Ascq (north of France). No difficulty to find its family (Opomyzidae) and its genus (Geomyza) but, as usual, the question is : is it possible to give a name of species to this little fly ?
Searching for this insect in the galleries of DI and LMDI, I thought it rather could be Geomyza balachowskyi or Geomyza Hackmani. Actually, it is just hypothesis based on the "habitus" but I am not sure my photos are precise enough to decide.
Thank you in advance for your answer,

Edited by Oryctes on 30-10-2019 16:24